Friday 8 December 2023

Vlad Love Review

Overall Rating 6.7 out of 10 - Interesting premise, but somewhat poor execution.

I would recommend watching.

That is an interesting and unique show. It was likely made by a literature or cinematography female student who studied symbolism of the literary fiction but did not get much idea. So, she went on to create a visually unique, but storyline flawed story.

Premise is interesting a vampire girl who needs to drink blood, but unable to hunt for prey on her own is found by a blood donation enthusiast, who feeds her own blood and later finds lots of other fans of Mai, who too donate their blood to feed Mai.

You can sympathize with both Mai and Bamba. Bamba is willing to sacrifice her blood and many other things to keep Mai alive. On the other hand, Mai is pitiful for not being able to function as vampire.

In general, I like Mai's manners and overall personality. She is normally polite, well-mannered and sweet. However, she also has weird side to her. Personality wise, she reminds me of Chirstina.

I also can find parallels between Mai and myself. I too had to travel a lot because of my parents, just like her I likely disappointed them with something at some point of my life and these bastards made my life miserable ever since. Unlike her I do want to take revenge on them. My family was somewhat rich but was hiding this and other things from people around us.

Back to the story. After the interesting beginning, the show gradually devolves into filler episodes with dubious looney toons like violence, before recovering closer to the end. Clearly the authors run out of ideas midway to make episodes about making cosplay, movie and theater back-to-back. 

They do occasionally make interesting references to classical movies and actors. Some of these are better than others. I personally watched Casablanca for example. 

Later episodes try to delve deeper into Mai's psychology and past. Because of that I made a very long gap in the middle of the show.

Overall, however unique story and visuals does warrant to at least check this show out. That is an arthouse show, similar to Portrait de la Petitte Cosette in some regards. Except the Cossette had a more cohesive narrative and overall idea. However here we have a cute girl, Mai. Actually, Cossette Auvergne was also not bad, but Mai is better.

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