Saturday 2 December 2023

Gray Wednesday

While I do have significant issues with Mawaru Penguindrum cast, this show has many redeeming qualities that prevent me from condemning it as just another feminism pandering misandrist show.

One of these qualities is of course its music. The soundtrack is expansive and has many good songs. However, the best of them is Gray Wednesday.

Even if you do not understand Japanese, it somehow manages to communicate to you its message intuitively.

For those who are not as intuitive as I am, here is the link to the full lyrics.

For someone who used to dream big and who later saw his dreams shattered by Financial Crisis of 2008 this song is one last reminder of the one beautiful dream and hopes I entertained in the 2000s. Dreams that was unfairly taken from me by the Federal Reserve executives and other architects of austerity.

This song manages to sing about such a sensitive topic with a sense of care and concern from the bottom of the heart. As if singer is fully sympathetic to me and wish my dreams would come true one day.

This is a good song for remembering anything you ever loved or cared about.

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