Friday 8 December 2023

Things that Make Me Drop Anime

A lot actually: Bossy women in main cast. Male MC who is into bossy women (Raishin comes to mind, but that is offset by Yaya's devoted personality in that show). Women who hurt or insult male MC. Male MC who suffers too much. Too many people who treat male MC like shit and get away with it (Demon Slayer).

All of that should have significant screen time. Three second incident, that does not repeat itself is one thing. Recurring theme that takes half screen time is another.

With Unbreakable Machine Doll for example, replace Raishin with someone like Cid Kagnou or Lelouch and I will likely binge it. Replace Yaya with some Karen and I will drop it mid first episode. However, combination of Raishin and Yaya makes it a difficult choice.

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