Saturday 2 December 2023


Sabaton is one of my most favorite metal bands. Their heroic songs combine epic choral/opera singing with heavy metal riffs. The songs often reference important and notable battles or military leaders.

My favorite song is Carolus Rex. 'I was chosen by heaven, set my name by decree. To the sky shall Carolus Rise.' Since I always believed that I am destined for greatness, this song definitely strikes chord with me.

Winged Hussars surely is a song that Poles will be proud of. Polish Winged Hussars under the command of Jan Sobieski interfered in Siege of Vienna to relieve the defenders and drive the Ottoman army away. Austrian coalition later won the war and took a lot of territory from the Turks, who never recovered.  
Shiroyama is instead a song about valiant last stand of the late Meiji restoration samurai, who were left without place in the new order. It references a battle where they opted for the last stand against the government army 25 times their size, choosing valiant death to shameful surrender.

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