Thursday 21 December 2023

Unbreakable Machine Doll Review

Overall Rating 7.2 out of 10 - Good show, despite poor beginning.

I recommend watching.

I am actually glad I did not drop it on first few episodes. It begins rather poorly but then recovers really well. In fact, it is best to simply skip first three episodes and start from episode 4. Final battle of Cannibal Candy Ark is alright, but the rest of the arc is not.

The show is divided into three arcs, 4 episodes each. Each ark has main antagonist and well as another girl for Riashin's 'harem'. You can understand that only by episode 5 something.

First ark has the worst girl, snobbish tsundere Char. Her personality together with Raishin's preference for her over Yaya nearly made me drop the show.

Second arc has calm, demure and likable dandere-clutz Frey(a) as Bond Raishin's girl. Her and Loki story is rather compelling and relatable, their 'dad' reminded me of my own. Loki and Raishin exchanges somewhat reminded me of me and my brother. I do not like dogs, but that was not big deal. Anyhow Frey(a) is cute. Overall, this is best ark.

Final ark revolves around Char and her sister Henri. Henri is confused girl, who thinks everyone is out to rape her or something. However, she can be sweet at times. Char is not as annoying here as in first ark, because she does not get too much screen time.

However, it is Yaya, who is the best girl of the show. She is often shown as going Yandere over Raishin interacting with other girls. However, behind that it is easy to overlook, that she is very devoted to Raishin and will do anything for him. She looks cute too, this short kimono, that this show possibly stole from Gintama is cute. Not to mention black cloth and hair, white skin and frills, add a little red here and there. This color scheme is just perfect. Yaya's attire is like Enma Ai gone sexy.

Overall, the art style of Japanese girls in this show is perfect. Yaya has two other sister dolls whose names I did not catch. While and orange dolls are good in their own way. Their alcoholic creator looks alright, but she is not my thing, unlike Raishin I am not into powerful women. I want all my girls to be subordinated to me. She is not as bad as Char or the red head though.

I do not share the same enthusiasm for Victorian era steampunk of the rest of the show. Somehow it is too grey and dull. In general, this trope is overused in modern anime and possibly Hollywood as well, I did not watch a Hollywood movie since release of Hobbit so I cannot tell.

Also, the show is full of sexual innuendos that by the end of the show, fill almost half of the episode. All girls here always think about all sorts of sexual stuff. That all gets chaotic at times.

My favorite character is Magnus thought. He is rational, calm and collected as I am. Also, I want to have a harem of loyal dolls just like he has.

Overall is it a very good show. Without first three episodes I can even give it 7.7 something.

Also, an extra picture of Yaya, because I feel like it.

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