Thursday 7 December 2023

Issues with Fate/Stay Night

I was watching Fate/Stay Night for 12 episodes and still did not really get into it. I watched all three movies of Fate/Stay Night Heaven Feel because of Sakura.  

At first, I thought that it is the protagonist, who is the main issue of Fate series.

However later I started thinking that it is perhaps "roots available" (Fate/Stay Night issue). They make you choose between saving Sakura from Shinji, becoming Rin's disciple/pet or playing hero with Saber. No matter what you choose, you always become a martyr who sacrifices for others. What if I do not want to be a martyr and sacrifice for anyone?

In general plot makes rather little sense for me. If it is a Battle Royale, then you win if you eliminate all other contestants. Fate/Zero was structured this way for example. Fate/Stay on the other hand, Shirou does not want to fight, he only protects others.

The grail concept that was flashed out in Fate/Zero as wish granting device, is somehow absent from F/Sn.

In F/Z you can see that each protagonist has a wish they want grail to grant them (possibly with exception of Ryosuke) The big chunk of story was given to Kirei's soul searching for a wish he wants to be granted.

In F/Sn on the other hand, they do not talk about it at all. If they are not fighting to get, they wishes granted by a supernatural powerful artifact, then what are they fighting for? Are they nothing but martyrs for someone else's objectives?

That brings me back to Banquet of Kings from Fate/Zero. Iskandar said "no one admires martyr's thorny path" sure Church might canonize you as saint after you die, but that is not what I want from life.
Fate/Sn has no victory in it. 

Each possible path in Fate/Stay night leads to some thorny pain one would want to avoid.

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