Saturday 2 December 2023

Anarchist Songs

Back during Russian Civil War there was one odd fraction that often fought all sides of the conflict simultaneously. These were the Anarchists.

They were based in Huliaipole in modern Ukraine, close to modern Dnipro and Zaporizhia cities. They controlled these cities together with significant areas around southern Dnirpo River. Their leader was famous or infamous Nestor Makhno (Batska Makhno).

They were somewhat of a Pirate Republic on land.

While they were eventually defeated by the Red Army and incorporated into Ukrainian SSR, together with UNR in Kyiv and some socialists in Donbas, their songs remain.

These songs tell tale about fiercely independent people who are willing to defend their freedom with arms against any enemy. They scare their enemies with death threats and relish combat and killing. 

The song, innocently titled 'Horses are Running', has lines like: 'I can look calmly only at a dead enemy.', 'I spare nothing in combat and regret nothing.' or 'Machine gun scythes them (enemies) down like poison.'  A poetic depiction of death.

I like this song. As well as Anarchists spirit of freedom. They were people who did not want to be under either Moscow or Kyiv and fought for their independence. 

Official translation is off though. Only loosely accurate.

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