Friday 1 September 2023

5 Types of Girls for 5 Types of Men

As a standalone continuation of the previous topic. Since anime aimed at guys often has 5 different types of women. Hugely successful Girls und Panzer, Gochiusa, Madoka Magica, Sailor Moon or even more obscure Hinako Note. All of them have main cast of 5 different girls.

Why always 5 and why this works?

That is because there are 5 different types of men, who all have different way of thinking. These differences eventually translate into different outlook and approach to live, different values and different preferences in women.

I will go through them using girls from Girls und Panzer as example. However, you can reasonably easily find similar traits in girls of other shows.

I will do Miho last as her traits best fit as a conclusion.

Yukari - Shared Hobbies - Extroverted Intuitive

I will start with fan favorite Yukari. She does not look like your typical sexy girl, in fact anime directly states that she is unattractive. Yet despite that there is plenty of fan art depicting her. Which means fans do find her attractive. Many of them do prefer her to other girls, even prettier ones.

She is lonely unpopular tank nerd with weird hair and complete obsession with some form of obscure hobby. In this case this hobby is tanks.

While few people nowadays are obsessed with tanks, there are many other things people often obsessed with. For example, anime. In addition to anime there are many other hobbies: video games, music (music further subdivides by genre), movies, some sports even something like fishing. 

Various gamer girls or e-girls often very popular with their audience. They clearly have more fans than girls who have looks. Interest in video games can win more men than perfect body.

Metal heads, goth, artists and so on have their special appeal to a one particular type of man: a hobby enthusiast.

Most people who are heavily obsessed with one or another hobby prefer this type of girls. That is of course if there are really into it and not just joined because of friends of something like that.

They like someone like Yukari because she clearly shows unwavering commitment to her interest in tanks. Guys like it when girls can commit as they do not want girl to cheat on them.

Hobbies do divide people. Similar how national borders divide people into your countrymen and foreigners. Hobbies too divide people into those who into the same stuff as you and those who are not.

Some fandoms are more hostile than others, for example metalheads tend to hate most other music genres and detest people who listen to them, especially those who listen either pop or rap.

Every fandom is its own little world that lives by its own rules and values, that are not that same as those of the broader society around them. To fit in you have to not only understand these rules, but also to abandon the rules of a broader society. 

The act to switching allegiance and renouncing all previous ones is important here.

Being with fandom and sharing its system of friends and enemies shows that girl has loyalty, commitment and selectiveness. That she both understands boundaries and respects them. That she is not just open towards everyone who comes her way.

Sure, committing to any hobby will make a girl ineligible in the eyes of other types of guys, however that is precisely the point. The hobbyists want a girl who will not be of any interest to other guys out there. They want a girl who is only for them and for no one else.

Extra thing that goes for Yukari is that she is very respectful towards Miho and really admires her ability with tanks. She always addresses her as Nishizumi-dono as if she is a daimyo. That is very humble and respectful of her.

Dedicated fans of anything also think highly of their knowledge and abilities of their chosen hobby and wish for a girl who can admire and respect that about them.

I personally like Yukari, but somewhat less than Mako.

Mako Reizei - Sympathy for a Suffering Intellectual - Introverted Intuitive

There is a lot going for Mako actually.

First, she is very smart and can figure out how to operate a tank in seconds. I find it very endearing and relatable. I am also very smart and can figure out many things in second. So, a girl who is also like that is very desirable to me. Many other loner intellectual guys like me would also prefer a girl like her. 

Second, she is a quiet loner who like to read and sleep. I very much prefer my girls to be complete loners and have no friends. Once again there are many other loner guys who also like to read various things and they will also find a girl like her relatable

Finally, she has a lot of bad things happening to her. Because of her love of sleeping, she constantly gets in trouble with hall monitors. While some might blame her for screwing up, I tend to see it as more of unreasonably strict application of rules from which Mako suffers unduly. She suffers merely because school rules are not made with night owl types in mind. Rules do not work for her and she struggles with that. That is very sympathetic in my eyes.

For me and for many other guys out their various social rules and norms simply do not work. That is we find them stupid and wrong. We believe these rules should be changed, but some other people out there disagree with that. Because we cannot change the rules to fit us, we became loners who avoid society in order to avoid complying with rules that. we hate.

Her family is dead, and she lives with her grandma who always criticizes her for some dubious reasons. That both allows to pity her for being and orphan and having to deal with noisy annoying relative. It also shows that she is somewhat masochistic and can endure poor treatment and constant verbal abuse. Since I like to abuse my girls, I find this trait of hers very appealing to me.

In general, Mako is a girl of choice for a person who was traumatized by poor treatment from his parents or bullying in school. They can sympathize with trouble Mako goes through. After all it is important that girl actually understands out sensitivities.

She is also a choice of every loner who thinks he is genius. Some of them may eventually achieve greatness. 

The very same separation from broader society and its norms is achieved not through an obscure hobby, but rather through lack of social skills. This lack of social skills does appeal to me and I would think to many other guys as well.

I want to monopolize my girl as I do not want to share her with anyone else. Thus, lack of social skills is actually a desirable trait in a girl. I guess many other guys would think the same way on this one.

Mako is my favorite girl of Girls und Panzer.

Saori - Mother Material - Sensor Judgement (Guardian)

I guess Saori is the most standard choice of an ordinary normal Chirstian, moral men (TMM from my previous article). The kind of guy who want to marry as fast as possible and then have a lot of kids with his wife. 

Since society ponders to this kind of man a lot, they are the most outspoken about their tastes and often present them as universal to all men, which is not true.

The guy is typically the most stereotypical nice guy possible or very close to that.

Other than children these guys value ability to fit into various social groups. Unlike people who will choose Yukari ot Mako, these guys wish to fit in rather than create their own exclusive community.

More on a girl of choice for such a guy.

Since guy is just a normie, then his choice of girl is also the most normie possible.

Saori just follows fashion, cares for her beaty a lot.

She is the only one who reads various magazines for women and actually believes in what they write in there. Other girls almost mock her for being so naive.

Unlike Yukari and Mako, Saori is very well socially integrated and has no trouble fitting into whatever.

She is not very intelligent but ambitious. She makes decisions based on whims and emotions rather than logic. She volunteered to command the tank but failed to do it successfully.

She has no trouble ordering people around and rather comfortable in that role. That is a quality I do not like in women.

Finally, she is good with children and other various social inferiors. There were plenty of scenes where Saori would teach girls of Rabbit team various things. She will also try to keep them from panicking when they got lost. These were needed to showcase her potential parenting ability.

Also, various old people tend to like her a lot, she is the kind of girl parents tend to like. That however does not guarantee their son would find her attractive.

To sum it up, Saori is a choice for a normie who just wants kids. She is rather stark contrast to Yukari and Mako

I personally mostly dislike Saori. Not to the point of hating her, GuP is well written and none of its characters annoy me, which is great achievement in itself. However, she is not my type.

Hana Isuzu - Trophy Wife - Sensor Prospector Possibly

Hana is the most 'high value' girl of the cast. A kind of 'best catch' for a person of said mentality. I have a friend who sometimes says he wants to marry a girl from a rich family. Hana is likely his type.

Hana is basically rich girl, a Felicia Hardy of Japan if you like.

Hana comes from a rich family. She looks good. She has sophisticated manners and knows high class etiquette. She has a high-class flower arrangement skill.

Flower arrangement looks like some exotic hobby for an average Western person; however, you should see it as a thing rich girls do. Like attending horse races or going to Ivy League Uni.

Her family owns a huge mansion, which is Japan's equivalent of a mansion on Beverly Hills. They have domestic servants too.

There are several reasons a man would want a girl like this.

One is that he is greedy and simply wants her money.

The other reason is that he wants a girl who would evoke envy of his friends and people around him in general. Regardless of whether they really envy him or not, he would feel satisfied with a girl like that.

This type of guy is closer to a normie type, but more concerned with outer appearance and high value looks than with motherhood ability. 

I personally like Hana more than Saori, but that is probably because her Japanese style manners do appeal to me in general and not because I want a wife who is envy of others, or a rich girl.

Miho Nishizumi - Adaptive Supportive Girl 

The last one is Miho.

Miho cares for her friends and for her team a lot. She is willing to do anything to help them and keep them together. She took senshado again for the sake of her school and friends. She danced anglerfish dance, even though it was embarrassing. 

She is attached her friends willing to put great effort to keep people around her from disappearing. You might even call it desperate. However, I do like desperate girls. Miho kind of desperate.

Miho is adaptive and flexible. She is willing to take whatever role the group will give her. Early on she was a loader in a team, even though she is the most qualified of them all. She was willing to get out of the way to fix shit for the team and then return to her duties without asking for any reward.

She is a supportive type in general and I like supportive girls.

Also, the fact that she likes these covered in bandages Boko bears shows that she is sympathetic to hurt and wounded people and willing to help them.

Overall, I think Miho is the type of girl who can fit any role. She is malleable substitute who can potentially satisfy several types of man. Her type somewhat overlaps with the other four, boundaries between them are much clearer that between them and Miho.

At the very least any man who thinks that girls should adapt to his needs and desires will find Miho to his liking. This very adaptability is what will appeal to a guy like this.

I personally think that girl indeed should adapt to all my needs and desires. Obey my every command.

Because of that I like Miho.

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