Thursday 21 September 2023

Simple Explanation of Umineko Metaworld

Umineko is deep and profound anime. Even if it is hard to understand, it has a lot to tell you. Even if you do not get it, it actually gets you very well.

I can eve joke here that in Soviet Russia VN understands you.

You probably heard of Metaworld where Beato and Battler fight each other with Red and Blue truth.

But what is metaworld? The mysterious metaworld is actually simple parlour where Beato tell her story to Battler, Lambda and Bern Maebara, Satoko and Rika.

Stuff that happens on the island is made up by Beato. She tells her friends her cryptic story.

When story gets really weird with all that magic and stuff, Battler, on behalf of equally puzzled and concerned audience, stands up to ask Beato 'what the fuck is this shit'? Author clearly knew you would get questions like that at that point of the story. He preempts them.

Beato argues back that it is her story and she can tell it this way it makes sense, he is just too dumb to understand. Battler often not convinced and keeps complaining.

Eventually Beato introduced Red and Blue truth so that she could address all of Battler complains and keep him engaged with the story.

Beato retells her story 4 times, trying to win over Battler but to no avail. He end up impaling her on the red truth and killing her just to prove that witches do not exist. <I will pull Fetherine here and finish that one later, I am too sleepy>

After that Battler get sad that with the Death of Beato, story ended. Eventually Lambda takes it upon herself to tell him another story. By now it is no longer the original story but more of a fanfiction by one of the fans. Lambda's story was ep 5

For episode 6 Battler himself takes the role of story teller. Then Bern for ep 7

From there on it already drifted into heavy head-canon territory. Beato looks like Clare in ep 7 to hint you that Bern is as evil storyteller as people who made Madoka Magica Rebellion movie and her story is as canon as the Rebellion.

Then Battler took it upon himself to make another head canon out of ep 8, In ep 8 Ange occasionally asks him WTF, just like he used to do to Beato back in the original episodes. Battler acknowledges that it is head-canon but adds that it is his wish to tell story like that.

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