Wednesday 6 September 2023

Astrology Sings of Different Artists

There should be celebrities of every sign out there.

I do tend to be partial towards musicians who are Libra just like me Chris the Burgh, Sting, Eminem (the only rap artist I like). These guys can be good at both fancy and stylish as well as at mocking society like Eminem. Chirs de Burgh and Sting are pure awesome. Librans are few people where I like and can relate to lyrics more as a rule than as an exception.

Female Libras are Avril Lavigne, Lene Nostrom of Aqua and Gwen Stefani of No Doubt, they are rather good. Better than some other pop musicians.

I think most of RHCP are Scorps. They are wacky and show-offs. However, they are also manly sort-of with their shirtless performances. They have some deep songs too however

Dexter Holland from Offspring and Toumas Holopainen from Nightwish are Capricorns. Many of their songs have poor lyrics: Half of Offspring songs are downright mean and many Nightwish songs tend to be obsessed over children. However, melody is pretty much always good. Some songs such as Dividing by Zero or Army of One has good lyrics as well.

Most of Depeche Mode are Cancers. I like them for their awesome melancholic lyrics that really resonate with me. They are sad but they are true.

I think the guy behind Gorillaz is Pisces. They are complete chaos and mess, but sometimes have good melodies and interesting art style too. Lyrics again fail.

Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit is Leo. His lyrics somewhat trivial and fall short of Libra crew but they are 2rd 3th only to Libras and Cancer crew of Depeche Mode. Somewhat on par with Aquarian Loreena McKennit, though their lyrics are nothing alike.

Madonna is also Leo, she sometimes makes songs I like but most of the time she is meh.

Loreena McKennit is Aquarius. Her melodies are super awesome. This sober but fancy style is unparallel. Lyrics are also good. Generally, there are few musicians to whose lyrics I can relate or simply like, but she is one of them. And she plays harm. If only she looked prettier, but alas. Anyhow I am listening to her music and not staring at her photos, so it does not matter.

Blackmore's Night duo is Aries guy and Taurus girl. They have decent music that I can enjoy. Somewhat not very stellar but solid good. Cozy and comfy. Ritchie Blackmore is a traitor to Rock, but I can forgive him as he makes good music. I can also relate to his ambition to become as popular as pop artists. His efforts are futile though; however, they do produce good music for my enjoyment.
That leaves us with Gemini, Sag and Virgo.

Gemini is Kylie Minogue. One of few pop artists I somewhat like. She is better than Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Tailor Swift and such. Then again pop is not my thing with few exceptions here and there. Compare to Madonna she has more consistently likable style. Compared to Gwen and Avril, they are good in their own way, I guess. Kylie has more traditional beauty, but the other two has that pitiful small girl appeal.

Virgo, only one I can recall is Nina Persson of Cardigans, dubious lyrics that somehow make me wary of dating someone her. However somewhat curious overall.

Saggitarius. I guess Sinatra. He was good. I like the Sagittarian 2000s era overall, but not sure if any Saggitarius singer appeals to me personally.

That is all I can recall at a drop of a hat. I do not have that much info on many of this people so that cannot be considered a definative answer on merits of the above artists.

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