Friday 15 September 2023

Some characters can be interpreted in vastly different ways.

I was thinking recently that some characters in can be interpreted in many different ways. That is different people can see them as vastly different types of characters.

Take CC for example.

Some can see her as cold and heartless. Lots of people who post here often have this interpretation.

While others, including me, can notice her being much more caring and self-sacrificing than apparent from the first several episodes.

There are couple of scenes that prove each of these opinions. In some ways you might even say that she contradicts herself by acting this way. Scriptwriters deliberately wrote her this way to appeal to different types of people.

Then different people can argue that their interpretation is correct one and just dismiss scenes that does not quite fit their vision of the character.

There are other characters who can be interpreted this way as well. Including most importantly Lelouch.

You can either see Lelouch as brilliants mastermind, who started it all because of his  arrogance egoism and narcissisms. Then because of his genius, he figured out not only how to beat the system, but also how to manipulate it into really changing.

Alternatively, you can see him as martyr who did it for his sister and in the end sacrificed himself for the world. That one version is easier to understand for an average person but that does not mean it is correct one.

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