Monday 4 September 2023

Tareme and Tsurime Eyes

Anime often famous for its big eyes. However, bigness is not all there is to them.

Different shapes of the eyes and eyebrows are used to represent different personalities and temper of the characters.

Picture above is an example from the same anime and the same basic artist.

Kagami to the left is an example of tsurime eyes.

Tsukasa to the right is an example of tareme eyes.

More examples below:

Also tsurime on the left and tareme on the right.

Tareme or Drooping Eyes

Tareme or dropping eyes make girl look gentler passive and submissive.

I like that, I personally much prefer for girl to possess these qualities and therefore look for these qualities in a girl.

I do think that tareme eyes works really well.

I like the look int he eyes of the girl on two bottom pictures more than on the two top ones. This particular variant of eyes looks the most gentle, yielding and pitiful. I like it most.

Tsurime Eyes

In contrast tsurime eyes kind of convey hardness and toughness of the girl. I do not like that. I want my girls to be soft and gentle.

Real Life Basis

I think the two tropes fundamentally based on real life eyebrows of real people. 

Tsurime eyes based on people whose brows looks kind of stern. Probably such brows giveaway hard and uncompromising personality.

Tareme eyes in contrast based on people whose eyes instead hive the impression that they are yielding, gentle, passive and willing to please.

I will update this post when I find a picture of and IRL girl that illustrates my point well enough.

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