Thursday 31 August 2023

Anime Industry Theory

A Response to this topic

Because show will have more fans this way.

Fans who are in it only for sexual reasons, but fans who will buy it nonetheless.

Besides if they making such a complex show, why not just make it appeal to both genders.

Doing it just for one gender is probably easier.

Make it about one cool strong guy in love with someone drama and that is all you need to make girls buy it.

Guys are more sophisticated that that. You need 5 (minimum 3) girls. Guys cannot agree what is the best type of girl, so you need no less that 3 (each conforming to a different -dere type) to make the show appeal to all of them.

The show itself can either be action or CGDCT, but it has to have at least some common theme or better yet a plot. As guys cannot be satisfied with just relationship drama.

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