Saturday 31 December 2022

Planetes Review

Overall Rating 8.0/10 - Good entry level literary fiction anime that can ajust you to this type of show

I recommend watching.

This is one of the easier to understand intellectual literary fiction anime. It is a good starting anime if you have never watched that kind of heavily philosophical and symbolist shows before.

It will give you plenty of easy-to-handle "intellectual debris" so you can practice to handle, analyze and understand it. Planetes gives you small and easy to understand philosophical and existentialist ideas mixed with into overall plot. After this show you will be able to take on intellectual juggernauts, such as Infinite Ryvius, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, Mawaru Penguindrum, Tatami Galaxy, Higurash  no Naku Koro ni and of course Umineko no Naku Koro ni and Code Geass

This show is about a so called half-section of a big space organization. The half section handles collection of space debris and is full of various misfits, each of them however is a very unique and interesting person with a story to tell. Their and other people stories as well as philosophy behind them is what this show is really about.

Show is mostly episodic so the stories are small enough and easy to digest. However each of these stories have and existential or philosophical idea to tell. The stories do well to illustrate these ideas.

Even id you are not the thinking type, but want something unusual, this show is very unique.

All in all I recommend this for pretty much everyone. It will make you smarter.

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