Tuesday 27 December 2022

Guilty Crown Review

Overall rating 1.0/10 - Affront to everything good and likable.

Do not watch no matter what.

This is the only show I gave 1 out of 10. It is just that bad.

It tries to be the next Code Geass and fails. It is to Code Geass as Robot Chicken Star Wars is to the original Star Wars. Except that Robot Chicken is funny and this thing is not.

Most failing shows manage not to fail in one or other aspect, just by sheer coincidence. However this one does not fail to fail in absolutely everything.

Plot tries to incorporate the same plot twists as Code Geass. However, Code Geass managed to justify these plot twists with good writing that made these actions logical steps to take in given situation. In Guilty Crown every plot development raises the same question of 'why even bother to do it'. 

If main protagonist can simply defeat everything in one simple attack then why not just do it and roll the credits. The way show delays this from happing is completely hamfisted with unnecessary intermediate steps is completely appalling. Other actions like freeing some dude from prison or not letting Shuu join the Undertaker without training, despite needing his power to win the war. What training is for, if his power works perfectly well without it.

Characters are completely unlikable:

Shuu is probably the original simp, who only joins the Undertaker only because of Inori, despite the fact that she does not even likes him. 

All the girls are snarky, bullish and unlikable. They all like a guy named Guy, yes creators failed to come up with more original name for this character. He is the only reason they are in the Undertaker, no seriously.

The only good thing in the show is art, if I remember correctly. Which is a shame. A lot of talented artists work and budget is wasted on this appalling plot.

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