Saturday 31 December 2022

Ergo Proxy Review

Overall Rating 3.0/10 - Bad, conflict of values with the protagonist and director.

I do not recommend watching, if you share my values and world view.

I once said that Samurai Champloo has a female protagonist that is combination of all qualities, men hate in women.

Well this show beats Champloo on that one. Lil is the worst anime character ever created, at least from what I have seen.

That is partly because she is very unambiguously written. There is no room for interpretation of her character's motivation. 

For example for Himari and Penguin-hat in Peguindrum is less clear: it could be that Himari is a simply a victim for mysterious neural parasite hat, that makes Kan and Sho do stuff for her to get their sister back, or it could be that Penguin-hat is simply an act by Himari to sneakily get what she wants. Regardless Himari is very different with and without that hat.

Back to Lil and Ergo Proxy. Lil is a privileged girl that has everything person could dream of in the world she lives on. I wish I had all that for myself. However wanting this for yourself and appreciating a person who has it is two different things. Especially if that person is female. Kaiji for example wants to be rich and own a Merc, but cuts tires and steals badges from other people's Mercs out of spite, that makes a lot of sense to me.

Instead of enjoying what she got, Lil 'suffers' from boredom. Because of that she gets herself involved with all sort of trouble, complete the opposite of what I would have done in her place. Her privilege prevents her from suffering any consequences from actions she takes, which makes her even more emboldened to just do whatever she pleases at any given moment.

These boredom driven actions and motivation, as well as lack of consequences makes her so completely reprehensible and abhorrent in my eyes.

Not even her saving male protagonist could redeem her character, since that also was done out of boredom.

I also seen another female character before I dropped, a diver one. That one is also very unlikable. Shows is full of reprehensible females.

Since Lil takes so much screen time, it is hard to judge or watch the show while completely ignoring her.

World of Ergo Proxy is a sort of totalitarian futuristic dystopia, without anything likable going for it. Kind of techno North Korea. It has a hint of some bigger idea in the plot. 

I dropped the show before this could get to any reasonable development or resolution, therefore I gave it 3 as average. Good plot resolution could have lifted it 5 while bad drag all the way to 1. Unlikable characters cuts the remainder of the score.

You do not want to see a spoiled rich privileged female on a privilege trip after all.

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