Saturday 31 December 2022

Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen Review

Overall Rating 3.0/10 - Pathetic sequel that lacks all that made the original good.

I do not recommend watching

This is a hollow shell of its rather brilliant predecessor. I gave the original 9, this one I condemn to 3

This one is stripped of all ingenious outside of the box thinking, creative solutions, existential and philosophical thinking. In fact it is stripped of all thinking all together.

By now it is just a show about gambling in a dirty underworld. Only what is on the tin and nothing beyond.

Kaiji too have changed, now he just gets himself in more trouble for no good reason. I cannot understand or relate to him in this second season. There is no winning in it.

A simple but telling detail is that in 1st season recruiters had to spend half episode to convince Kaiji to play these games. Kaiji was skeptical and did not trust them. A smart person would not trust these mafia goons and Kaiji was smart enough to consider these offers with critical thinking. You should learn this too, if you want to be smart.

Second begins with him begging them to play. That is a subtle hint to how second season is somewhat an inversion of the first.

So what happened. I do not remember him betting his brains and loosing then lousing them in the 1st season.

Gambling too became more of a dumb luck and chance than any meaningful tactics or strategy.

This is one of the more disappointing and ruined sequel that fails at everything, the original was good at.

A spoiler extra:

I remembered that someone said that Kaiji won at the end of 2 season so I decided to watch the very last episode after finishing just 5 of the season. I wanted to see him rich with lots of money, private island, yacht, mansion full or Thai and Japanese maid-prostitutes. To avoid spoiling even more I will just say that ending disappointed me.

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