Tuesday 27 December 2022

Samurai Champloo Review

Overall rating 3.0/10 - Mediocre to Annoying with few redeeming qualities

Do not watch.

Whole deepness of this show is vastly overrated, it has nothing beyond its drab ascetics and unlikable characters. It is what sophism is to actual philosophy.

Despite that, this is one of those shows that some people will recommend as if it is next best thing since sliced bread. I do not feel this way. I tried to understand what it even is and that is what I have come up with.

This is basically a Girls Bravo but for female viewers. 

Guys Bravo if you like.

In Girls Bravo a guy, who has a combination of all qualities, females do not like in men, manages to get himself a nice, likable and sexy girl Miharu from a literal moon.

In Samurai Champloo a female, who is a combination of all quality's men hate in women, hangs out with two handsome badasses with Katanas.

Show has some rudimental plot about looking for a samurai that reeks of sunflowers but forgets about it almost immediately. Instead, we get mix match of episodic stories unconnected both story wise as well as stylistically. They range from Mugen and Jin cutting down the entire towns full of mobsters over some stuff to a literal eating contest competition. Show can't quite decide if it is a slice of life or an action. 

It is ugly and rude simply for the sake of being ugly and rude. As if the show deliberately tries to be as disgusting as possible. Tatami Galaxy for example ugly but it is not rude. Unlike something like Gintama it does not tries to be funny and is not.

It is called Samurai Champloo because not even creators themselves could tell what it is about. Samurai because of dudes with katanas aspect and Champloo because it is some sort of mess.

However female viewers might find this show entertaining because of "handsome badasses with Katanas" aspect. In that case I can also recommend you Cowboy Bebop, which has a whiter space cowboy Mugen, but no Jin. Well, any shoujou/josei will work for you, unless you actually have refined taste.

For guys there is no point in watching it at all, unless you want to pick some traits from Mugen and Jin so that girls like you more. Usui from Kaichou wa Maid Sama is another good example of what makes girls crazy.

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