Tuesday 27 December 2022

Problems with isekai genre

Problem with isekai is that people who do not play MMOs write them. Editors probably told them do isekai because people are into MMOs nowadays. So they do it.

They get only loose idea what MMOs are and then go from that. They might even hate they have to do isekai to begin with.

The results sometimes often are underwhelming. However they sell because isekai label

May be they even convert every poor script into isekai to guarantee sales.

All most guarantee sale franchises or genres end up devolving into cesspits of mess and fail. Because <people will buy it anyway> principle. 

In video games EA sports are good example of such mess. EA sports make company billions yet have graphics from stone age that would not change ever since forever. Because sports fans would buy it anyway.

In other genres that does not fly. Other fans are hell a lot more picky. They even game EA the Golden Turd anti-award for exploiting this principle.

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