Tuesday 27 December 2022

Hidden Gems of Anime

My treasury houses only the finest of the finest anime. Here they are with a little annotation to each of the. Watch them and you will improve your mongrel taste into slightly more evolved mongrel taste. 

However, visit my AniList for full list.

I think this was big back in the days, it influenced the industry in many ways.

This is the original isekai from before isekai were cool. A good one at that.

Very good show better than Berserk I would say. Good plot, nice girls. A perfect blend if CGDCT with Berserk brutality.

The best and only romance anime, that could touch even my ice-cold heart.

Artistic and creative. Deeply psychological

Unusual action story gets better in the second half. Yin is best girl but there is much more to it than just her.

BDSM romance anime. I mean not hentai/porn but actual romance.

Really good and actually psychologically deep and profound. Will resonate well with people who had traumatic experiences.

All round good and fun, cute girls, compelling plot, tank battles. Easy to watch.

Original harem slice of life. Home of actually likable girl Miharu, that IRL girls should strive to imitate.

Hellsing Ultimate. Brutal over the top badass vampire action.

People compare it to Lord of the Flies. That and they also have to fight against society that tries to destroy their spaceship.

Awesome story about two likable girls. It has lots of action and original plot.

Send your abusers to hell here. Traditional Japanese aesthetics and feel as well. Sober and solemn mood.

Next Watamote or better Komi-san. Nice and compelling story about a girl who struggles to talk to anyone but wants to make friends.

Philosophical and existentialist. Has a lot of existentialists thoughts illustrated by the crew of Space Debris collection department.

A story about how internet changed society. There is even an imageboard named after it. That is how impactful it is.

Interesting both artistically and thematically. Existentialist too. About war, peace and just everyday life. A little bit of everything.

Old but gold. Good thematically, good music and art. interesting plot. I do not see why people rank it so low.

May be old style but a much better mecha show than Gundam or Mazinger.

Kind of relaxed, eerie and traditionally Japanese at the same time. Good to just relax watching it.

Flawed but curious enough experience, but it has great potential as well if done slightly better. I can see the big idea behind it.

The original anime comedy that is actually funny. Was fun before Gintama even became a thing.

Awesome harem anime. Protagonist is IT expert who actually built all these girls and sent them back in time to his past self. Rare harem anime steals plot from Terminator 2 movie.

And finally, the one about treating women properly.

Check my anime list and your taste in anime will improve a billion light years. 

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