Friday 30 December 2022

Mawaru Penguindrum Review

Overall rating 6.0/10 - Deep and philosophical but with very unlikable female characters.

Consider watching if you like to think and do not mind unlikable girls.

This one is somewhat the opposite of Sora no Otoshimono. Main female characters are rather unlikable, but everything else is actually good.

This show is from creator of Revolutionary Girl Utena and has plenty philosophical dialogues and other food for thoughts. Just like Revolutionary Girl Utena is it often hard to understand and will confuse a person who does not like to think. However, unlike Revolutionary Girl Utena, it has another reason to watch, that is if you sympathetic with the main trio.

Like Revolutionary Girl Utena it also covers topics related to love. However unlike the Tatamy Galaxy, where protagonist found happiness when he embraced love, this show is not love affirming at all. 

Instead it depicts the opposite, that love and bonds could drag you into some heavy misadventures as you try to save your loved ones. People like con doctor, who likes to say electrifying, can exploit and use you through that. These bonds can ruin your life and bury your happiness and ambitions. 

Because Himari got sick, or more like hijacked by the Penguin-hat girl, her brothers end up going miles in order to save her. That get them to see variety of troubled people and relationships. Each of these people and situations are different and interesting in their own way and therefore a good reason to watch the show.

There is for example a story of Ringo who wants to supplant Momoka, who died but left behind her diary, and become love interest of Tabuki. She is doing it by closely following Momoka's diary.

Then there is that drill haired rich girl who got interested in Kan and tries to win him by shooting him with some sort of mind altering red pills. Remember that red-pilled stuff online, if you want to know if it will work, watch here.

Then there is some conspiracy, Takakura's dad got involved himself in, he tries to use Kan to fulfil their aims.

Of course, if you are sympathetic with the main trio and their cause you might want to watch it for that reason as well.

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