Saturday 31 December 2022

Fate/Zero Review

Overall rating 8.0/10 - Very Good, no flaws. Awesome plot, story and characters.

I recommend watching.

Most of the darker shows that I rate high are not so much a simple entertainment as much a complex and relatable for me story, that meant to be read between the lines, and sometimes even between the lines of these 'between lines'.

Fate/Zero is not like that. It has its own depth too, but overall it is much more approachable and easy to watch and enjoy show.

Well we can expect this much from Urobutcher after all, he is the best director out there, after Goro Taniguchi of course.

So, story is intriguing and interesting to follow. Not sure about original /Stay Night, but here we have a real high stakes battle royale. They really fighting for it because a lot depends on the outcome of this battle. Grail that grants any wish, many of these characters have some lofty wishes.

Characters are very well written, each has their own values, way of thinking and a reason to seek grail. Some have very elaborate backstories as well.

Servants too are complex and have desires, agendas and will of their own; not always aligned with their masters. Because of that relationships in each pair are unique and full of their own dynamics..

I particularly like Gilgamesh. I wish I was as OP as he is so I could get away with being as much of an arsehole as he is. Gilgamesh is also a man of sophisticated and refined tastes, who is good at psychoanalysis and philosophical conversations. Much like me.

One thing about reading between the lines is final ending. You can only understand it if you can read between the lines and pay good attention to what is going on. However you can still enjoy this show without getting the ending.

All in all it is a well crafted entertainment that I can recommend it to pretty much anyone.

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