Sunday 29 January 2023

Why CC is the Best Waifu

CC has many good qualities, in fact combination of all these makes her a perfect waifu.

Appearance wises she has well-proportioned body: curvy ass, just right size tits (medium is premium type). Warm, kind and kind of smart/curious amber/yellow eyes. I like the look in her eyes. She has long hair that she arranges in variety styles to suit you or just to bring some variety.

Her personality is actually much nicer that what she originally appears to be. She is not a tsundere who just complains every once in a while. It is not immediately apparent, but she is actually very kind and caring person, who would do almost everything to help you and make you happy.

Now it more details:

She gave Lelouch Geass, the 'power of the King'. That allowed man, who was about to die, to turn things around and eventually conquer and rule the world instead. Change the world the way he sees fit.

I too want to rule the world instead of groveling under the unfair system and rules, made by others. The unfair system that serves them, not me. The system I want to destroy and replace with a better system that serves me instead. So, I can relate to that a lot.

However, there is more to CC than just that. In fact, she almost perfectly complements him or me, she has pretty much all the abilities and traits that I need.

First, she protected Lelouch life many times. Surely, she is immortal and cannot be killed, but it made a great deal of difference to Lelouch personally.

She can solve variety of problems, including tricky ones. The situation with Mao was something like that, she had to lie to Lelouch so that Mao would not figure out she intended to kill him to protect Lelouch, he can read Lelouch's mind but not CC's, remember. Though in the end Lelouch had to save her, since she was too kind to actually pull the trigger.

That said she makes herself look cold and inapproachable but is actually very kind and caring on the inside. She said she wants to die, but in fact she could do it all along. Mao had strong enough Geass for that. She could easily pass her Code of immortality on him, like that nun did to her long time ago when CC herself got Geass in both eyes. Charles offered that to her in season two, but she stayed with Lelouch in the end. There were probably more people in her past just like Mao and Charles who could easily take her place. However, she did not make them do it, probably because she did not want to condemn them to the same fate she endured.

One of the best moments that shows her real personality was when she requested Lelouch to say her name with warmth and kindness, from the bottom of the heart. That was so simple and humble of her. She is not the kind of selfish girl that wants a lot.

Her Geass, before she got Code of Immortality, was to make them was to make people love her. That was the kind of simple wish she had. After she got Code of Immortality, she lost her Geass and its effects disappeared. People who used to love her turned against her and she had to endure a lot of pain and constant attempts to kill her.

She is smart and can talk about philosophical things. That monologue about happiness and the very end of season 1 or conversation about white snow are good examples.

She can support him emotionally too. She could do the just the right things and find just the right words that could make him better. Like after he killed his first love interest Euphy. I mostly dealt with people who could only make things worse with the way they tried to console me.

Well to top it all, she is immortal. Eternally young and beautiful, she will never get older. 

If you can take Code of Immortality from someone else, like Lelouch took it from Charles, then you can spend literal eternity together with her.

Finally, she cannot be killed by any means at all.

I can almost challenge you all to find a better waifu.

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