Sunday 29 January 2023

Claymore Review

 Overall rating 8.0/10 - Very Good, better than what it looks at first glance.

I recommend to everyone.

Now this is a show I often reference in the other reviews as a example of how make relationship between man and woman good.

Main female protagonist Clare is a very good girl indeed, a waifu material. She is loyal, obedient and very low maintenance. I all women were like her, world would be a much better place. She also looks good in the Claymore outfit.

There is good reason Raki got so attached to her. Any man would want to keep her.

Clare is not the only Claymore girl, there are many others, some are more likable than the others. There is no shortage of waifus in this show.

Out of male characters I like King Isley. A very unusual antagonist by any standards. Almost no surprise, I find this melancholic King rather relatable.

Other than that this has a very interesting and intriguing story. It starts simple: monsters, called Yoma are terrorizing humans, kill and eat their innards. Silver eyed specailly trained girls, called Claymores, hunt Yoma and protect humanity.

Over time things gradually evolve into a mystery wrapped into a conspiracy theory. I would not spoil details but it is well written and makes a lot of logical sense. Unlike stuff like Guilty Crown.

Demon Slayer, that ripped off the core idea from this show, totally failed to invent half decent story to go with it. All this animation effort would have been better spent on sequel to this brilliant show.

To top it all off, it has awesome opening and ending, that fits the feel of the show perfectly. The show generally is very melancholic in its feel.

Overall I can recommend it to everyone, this is a quality work that many of its followers fail to surpass.

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