Sunday 29 January 2023

More on Code Geass. To clarify how I see this anime.

1 - there are some independent countries, but most are under these three. 

I think EU is voluntary union just like IRL EU. 

HBE on the other hand conquered and subjugated their colonies by force. These people lost to the conquerors and left with no strength to resist further. Sometimes rebellions happen in various colonies, but they are suppressed by force. (See Russia, Belarus, Syria and Libya as example) Really strong rebellions only possible if someone like Zero will appear, someone they can believe can win against HBE.

Chinese Federation I think works on some Asian logic of respect to bigness of China or something like that.

2 - To take sakuradite, Japan has a lot of it. May be for thought elevators as well, but everything related to geass is top secret there.

3 - Charles did not sent CC to Japan, she ran away because she changed her mind about his plan. She than changed her mind again and then again. Woman thing to do.

Charles did not wish to protect them, he lied to Lelouch over in C world. He sent them to Japan to lull Japan into thinking he is not planning to invade them: because I will not start a war and endanger my children logic. Japan bought it and was unprepared for the invasion.

Alternatively yo might say he wanted to protect them from VV who killed Marianne. However Marianne joked to CC that she is not that good of a mother. So I take Charles lied about protecting them.

4 - After China collapsed, leftover states were afraid that HBE will simply invade them, conquer them and turn them into their colonies. HBE actually started doing just that.

 Lelouch and Black Knights were the only reasonable organized force they could rely on to protect themselves. Therefore it was more or less up to Lelouch to make any terms he wished from their on.

After Lelouch defeated Schneilzel, he made HBE join the UFN as well. Then he bullied other countries to join as well, turning UFN into a world government and unifying the world under his rule by force. Shortly before Suzaku as Zero kills him, they announce his titles as Holy Britannian Emperor, Chairman of UFN as well as CEO of Black Knights. Now that all countries are absorbed into UFN and their militaries are dissolved and absorbed into Black Knights, it would be next to impossible for anyone to rebel or secede.

5 - Sentinel logic: I explained it here

6 - Did not thought of it straightaway. Had emotional distaste for everything Britannian, so did not want to achieve his goals this way. Security in Britannia is tight, so it risky to just go there with Geass alone, if something goes wrong then you are in big trouble. Once you are in there is no way out, no fail save like with Zero, who wears mask and can abandon it and pretend nothing happen.

Also Emperor and some of his inner circle do know about Geass, that only increases chances that he will be caught and stopped somewhere in the middle of it all. 

At the end of second season Suzaku as Knight of 7 used his security clearance to let Lelouch thorough all sorts of security checks unchecked.

7 - He forced all countries to join UFN and abolish their independent militaries so that they will never be able to be independent again. Kill everyone who disagreed with him or opposed this in any way. UFN became world government but everyone hated how it was done a gunpoint by force.

8 - No, most of the world would think that new and old Zero are one and the same. Suzaku is also officially dead, so he will not be able to abandon mask of Zero, everyone was told Suzaku, Knight of Zero died in battle with Schneizel.

Schneizel did not announced it because it would damage Britannia. If would embarrass Britannia and make it look weak if one of Emperor's children not only started a rebellion but gave all them so much trouble. Other countries might want to exploit this family feud and try play other members of royal family.

9 - Dd not thought that Lelouch would land on Damocles. He did not know that Lelouch need direct eye contact for his Geass to work. He is smart but can't read minds like Mao.

10 - Because by that point everyone hated him and Zuzaku so much, there would be constant uprisings and discontent if both of them alive. So change of head to a pitiful cute crippled girl would allow new government to restore its image. It is just like with new president in democracy, people are willing to give him fresh look and new judgement even if they condemn his predecessor. Nunnally will of course announce that things will be different, better and nicer from their on.

Do not forget while both Lelouch and Suzaku are officially dead as far as world concerned. Both of them are actually alive. 

And Lelouch has Code of Immortality, he will always watch over the world he created from the shadows, like god.

Excerpt on sentinel mentality

People who criticize it have sentinel/guardian morality.

Basically they think like Suzaku: any system is good, rebellion bad, war bad. Save lives, do not question authority. Lelouch is murderer, but Britannian Government can kill because it is government.

Lelouch on the other hand is hero of the analysts as well as possibly diplomats.

Check you MBTI to see if I am right here. Analysts are xNTx, diplomats xNFx and sentinels are xSxJ

We analysts think like Lelouch and agree with him, they oppose us. It becomes an IRL clash of values almost as depicted in Code Geass itself.

Argument from some other guy

>>Why did the code activate too soon on Lelouch, before his death as you claimed?

It activated between Suzaku piercing him with a blade and and him resting down there 'dead' when Nunnally touches him.  All during Zero Requiem. What further difference it will make.

>>Why did Lelouch's sent memories to Nunnally violate everything what C.C. said about code visions (memories of the receiver, shock images, etc)?

Elaborate further

>>Why is Charles the biggest idiot in the show by throwing away his victory on the off chance that Lelouch, contrary to his own wishes, would geass him to die?

I already said, Charles wanted a chance to use his Geass on Lelouch again. He had Code of Immortality to fall back if that does not work and it would be Lelouch who would Geass him.

>>Why would C.C. try to persuade Lelouch to not do the Zero Requiem if he already had a dormant code and thus his fate was already set in stone, Zero Requiem or no Zero Requiem?

I already said. Lelouch would lose his Geass when Code activates. That could mean problems. When CC lost her Geass, people who used to love her under the effect of her Geass, stopped loving her and tried to kill her many times.

>>Why would C.C. tell the audience that Lelouch is dead?

Version difference. It is not in TV version, only in recap movies. Many other stuff you claim can also be only in DVD version. While what I claim is only in TV version. Download Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 somewhere and check yourself.

>>Why would every member of the writing team lie to the audience for 15 years?

Every? I do not read interviews and such. However I know one name Gorou Taniguchi. Did he said anything as well.

>>Why would the anime break its own theme of crime and punishment and “The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed.” in the final episode?

That is only your interpretation. DVD version reframed it.

>>Why would Nunnally, who has been shown to be able to sense the truth by touching someone's hand, cry when she felt that Lelouch was actually not dead but immortal?

Nunnally is not psychic. She can tell if person talking to her tells lie or truth but that is about it. She cannot tell any further truth. Lelouch did not said anything to her in that final scene so Nunnally could not tell much. Instead Nunnally saw Lelouch memories, just like when Lelouch saw CC memries during Battle of Narita.

>>Why would C.C. cry when she finally gets an immortal buddy, especially since she no longer viewed immortality as a curse?

Her own experience with immortality was not that happy. in episode 15 she said she wanted to die. However Code carrier cannot die freely. Lelouch too would not be able to die easily if he later changes his mind.

>>Why would Lelouch make Suzaku (a mortal) Zero to guard the peace if he can do that better by being an immortal anime batman?

He is hardly Batman from physical power perspective. After Zero Requiem he no longer has Geass. Also Suzaku wanted revenge for Euphy. So Lelouch tricked Suzaku. He did not told him that he plans to survive Zero Requiem.  I think Suzaku would not agree to cooperate with Lelouch plan otherwise.

Suzaku and others all think that Lelouch is dead. Suzaku had to kill Lelouch with his own hands to believe that Lelouch is dead.

Also legally Speaking Suzaku Kururugi, Knight of Zero is dead. They showed his grave in Zero Requiem in TV version at least. Only that cat, Arthur, was there to mourn him. So no one knows that new Zero is actually Suzaku. Does that hint to something else instead.

>>Why would Lelouch geass Schneizel with "you shall obey Zero" instead of his regular "be my slave" of the last few episodes if he's not going to die anyway?

Because he already had Zero Requiem planned. He planned to leave Suzaku in charge as Zero. So he needed Schneizel to obey that new Zero as well, not just Emperor Lelouch. 

If Schneizel will not recognize this new Zero he could start an uprising. He is smart enough to figure out that new Zero is a different person.

Without that Lelouch could not just leave things on their own.

--- One final thing. Who knows that Lelouch is alive.

I say he only told that to CC and may be Sayako and Jeremiah.

He would not tell that Suzaku or anyone else.

However he might even keep it secret from everyone.

CC eventually found out for sure. Sayako and Jeremiah could be in the dark.

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