Monday 13 November 2023

Why Medusa is Submissive

Some people disagree with me that Medusa/Rider from Fate/Stay Night is submissive. However, I will explain why she is actually a good example of a submissive woman.

Surely based on how she treats Shirou alone you cannot call her submissive. However, Shirou is not her master. In fact, Shirou is an opponent of Medusa's Master, Shinji Matou. Thus, Medusa fights him. Her personal feelings for Shirou do not interfere with her doing her master's bidding.

The real reason Medusa is submissive is her relationship with Shinji Matou of course. Medusa might not like how Shinji as a person. She is not found of the way he fights in this war either. However, she still obeys him unquestionably. That is what makes her submissive. She understands her place and never questions it. She obeys her master above all else.

She stands behind him and listens to his instructions. She is always ready to both serve him as well as fight against his enemies and protect him.

She is the kind of submissive girl I want to have.

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