Tuesday 21 November 2023

How to Fix World of Warcraft

I think World or Warcraft needs a brand-new playable fraction, to add to the existing Horde and Alliance.

While there were only two playable fractions, the actual fractions that controlled various zones were much more numerous. If you pay attention, you could easily see that certain areas such as Scarlett Monastery or Plaguelands are ruled by Scarlet Crusade and Scourge respectively. Nowadays it seems that there are only Horde and Alliance left.

Differences between Horde and Alliance look superficial by now, they are more of friendly rivals rather than sworn enemies they used to be. After that grand alliance in battle for mount Hyjal further conflict looks pointless. Trall's Horde has its new home in Barrens/Durotar, no particular ground for further conflict. 

Aside from that honor and endurance of the new horde of Durotar cannot be readily reconsolidated with no limits pillage and 'we take what we can' ethos of Doomhammer and Ner'Zhul. They are almost like Jack Sparrow's 'take all that you can, give nothing back'. Original horde was literary land pirates. They were not like horde of Durotar or later Dark Horde of Rend in Blackrock Spire. We need that ethos back, but only a new horde/ new fraction can be this way.

Current Horde is nothing like that and Garrosh could not change that. It is not so much about leader, but about circumstances. Doomhammer was cruel sometimes, but that were war times and people he dealt with clearly deserved it. Garrosh not so much. Thrall leadership per se did not look out of place in Reign of Chaos or The Frozen Throne, however in WoW horde evolved into honor obsessed pacifists and it cannot go back from that.

Thus, we need a fraction that clearly wants to shatter status quo and make place for itself in the world. The original Horde was like that. That is why people like it back then.

The New Syndicate

And where else to start building this fraction that from people who lost a lot in previous wars and want bitterly to want it back: the Syndicate. The Syndicate somehow retained most of the features of the original Horde. In a way it can be considered a true successor to the legacy of Doomhammer and Ner'Zhul. 

It can serve as abasis for the new playable fraction. Word 'syndicate' means a sort of union or an alliance, so it is suitable for a fraction with many races and subfractions in it. Also, unlike alliance or union it has sinister mafia style feel to it, similar to cartel. However, Goblin Cartels already have a place in the world and will not make as good of a basis for a new fraction. However, they should be somewhat more friendly with Syndicate compared to Alliance and Horde.

Syndicate can have as many races as other fractions. Alterac Humans, Shadowmoon Orcs, Blackrock Orcs (both should have option of being fel-orcs), Fel-Blood Elves, unaffiliated undead that split of Sylvanas (leaderless Reavers), Highborne Night Elves who detest Furion and Tyrande rule, possibly Ogres, Goblins and even Drenei, disillusioned with Velen.

As creating its own fraction is difficult mechanics wise, it is possible to arrange that members start out as one of the existing fractions but go their own separate way in the end game. It could be said that members of Syndicate infiltrate Alliance or Horde. Somewhat the opposite of how Pandaren start neutral but then pick Alliance or Horde, here you start as one of these two but then go your own way.

Alternatively, Syndicate should have unique both starting and end game experience. Starting location can be Alderac Mountains and Arathi Highlands, it can culminate with retaking some cities in Alterac, Southshore or Dunholde Keep as a preliminary hub for the fraction.

Syndicate members should retain facilities of their infiltrated fraction for gameplay mechanics reasons but should also have access to the unique locations and hubs, special to Syndicate members.

Then in late game experience, after their infiltration of Alliance/Horde and reaching the level cap, fraction will gather again to take Stromgarde as well as all Hillsbrad and Arathi Highlands. Separate endgame hubs are essential for this fraction idea. Former Stromgarde can serve as one of such hubs.

After the capture the new areas should provide fraction members with full size country, with a separate settlement for each race in Arathi or Hillsbrad, Alterac Humans will have Alterac for example. Stromgarde (renamed Syndicate City) can be the biggest all Syndicate settlement as well as a place where all races of Syndicate have presence.

Later Syndicate may be able to conquer some other areas, such as Blackrock Mountain for the fraction and have their facilities phased in there.

To compensate ordinary Horde or Alliance members, they can have some separate endgame fraction that opposes Syndicate to preserve the system. Guardians of Azeroth perhaps. They can reclaim areas for Allaince/Horde, or for Argen Crusade, Cenarion Circle and so on. They too can have their facilities phased in.

These ideas can finally bring back life back to World of Warcraft

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