Monday 13 November 2023

On Shinji Matou

In fact, the whole Shinji Matou group with Medusa and Sakura is much more relatable to me that Shirou and his mess.

Shirou is controlled by morals, guilt and other such complicated feelings I do not have. He tries what moral people call 'do the right thing', but that is impractical and irrational.

For someone as rational and cynical as me Shinji Matou makes a lot more sense. 

Show may be portraying Shinji Matou as sort of a bad guy, but he is not the type who just cause any wanton destruction like some stock villain.

Shinji just does what is the most rational and practical to survive and win the Grail War. He is smart in dealing with Shirou or other people around him. 

Sure, Shinji Matou is in it only for himself, but so is many other masters. For example, Illiya hardly thinks about victims when she sends berserker to fight. In fact, she and berserker might cause even more damage that Shinji and Rider as she is nothing more than immature emotional kid with too much power at her disposal. At least Shinji is discreet and does what he does to ensure his victory and not just because he can.

I generally like Shinji Matou. I think he is definitely more like me than Shirou. In fact, I would even say that Shinji Matou is one of the anime characters that are like me. I watched only 10-11 episodes of the Fate/Stay Night so far.

Shinji has good taste in women too. He has submissive Sakura and Medusa to do his bidding. Medusa's outfit is both sexy and submissive so it her tame temper. Sakura is warmer and cozier than Medusa, but she is also very submissive. I would like to dominate Sakura and Medusa in a BDSM threesome. Unlimited violation of these two is much more fun than some unlimited blade works with Rin or whatever.

In general, their household works really well. Two submissive girls serve one arrogant and proud dominant guy. I would like to be in Shinji's place and also take advantage of these two girls.

Penultimate note. I once saw a T-shirt that said that: 'All women are Bi-, you just have to find out if they are Bi-sexual or Bi-polar'. I wonder if we can summarise men like that: 'All men are Shinji, you just have to find out if they are Shinji Matou or Shinji Ikari.'

Ultimate note, I think Shinji Matou is a typical INTJ. He is smart and constantly plotting winning grail war in secret. Just like an INTJ would do in his place.

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