Wednesday 1 November 2023

More on How Libra Works

Libra is social chameleon indeed. It is often smarter to not show your cards and opinions to people around. Because of that Libra has the most misconception about them.

However they share an element with Gemini and Aquarius. They are more level headed compare to Gem and can think couple of steps ahead. On the other hand they are not as stubborn and inflexible as Aquarius.
Then they also Cardinal disposition with Cancer, Capricorn and Aries. Cardinal are flexible, but focused on their goals as they understand them. They are not as stubborn as fixed signs but also do not just go with the flow like mutable ones.
Also the sign directly opposite is Aries. Libra is Aries that thinks first and does later. Aries does first and thinks only if something goes wrong.
Also Air as an element represents civilization. All air signs are represented by people or inanimate objects. Libra also has a representation of a guy holding scales, similar to how Aquarius is a guy holding a water jar.

In my case I have lots of placements in water signs. Moon in Cancer and Mercury Venus and Pluto in Scorpio. That allows me to understand the emotional side of things
I have Sun and Mars in Libra though.

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