Sunday 5 November 2023

On Girls of Fate Series

Rin looks down on Shiro and acting like he is inferior to her in every way. Justified or not it just does not work in a relationship. 

She thinks Rin >>>>>> Shiro

Saber somewhat respects Shiro authority and expects him to earn her respect as a person. 
She thinks Shiro <>=~ Saber

Sakura in contrast respects and admires Shiro more than anyone else. 
She thinks Shiro >>>>>>> Sakura.

You should always go with the girl that thinks of you like Sakura thinks of Shiro.

Otherwise, she will not respect you and your authority, and your life will be hell. She will constantly bitch that you do not lift enough of something so stupid. She will have no issue cheating on you and will not care that much if you die or not. As in her eyes you are just some lowly half-ass scrub.

In contrast Sakura might even kill herself if she cannot be with you anymore. She will do anything for you to win your approval and keep the relationship.

Besides Sakura is the only one with the proven ability and habit of cooking food. She will never have issues with making you a sandwich or anything else you desire. She will be happy to.

It is very important that girl understands her subordinate to the man place in a relationship. Without it you cannot have good relationship.

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