Friday 24 November 2023

Redo of the Healer Review

Overall Rating 6.5 out of 10 - Brutal and hard to watch at times but has its good sides.

I can cautiously recommend watching if you are not overly sensitive.

I would say this show gradually improves as its progresses. First couple of episodes are mostly dedicated to abuse of Keyaru and I mostly skipped them. Then we have somewhat of a transitional middle part, were, now Keyaru-ga, trying to survive his pursuers. Finally in the later part of the show Keyaruga fully indulges himself with his ever-increasing harem while simultaneously taking revenge on people who wronged him in his past life.

Keyaruga is mostly relatable person, especially in the later parts of the story. There are some things that I would have done differently in his place, but I would have done the same with some other stuff. 

Keyaruga is far from a convectional good guy, he has his flaws, vices and often acts in very cruel ways. However, you can sympathize with him, based on what people have done with him. 

Flare, Norn and the rest of Jioral Kingdom is prime examples of abuse, lies and hypocrisy. They commit massacres but talk like they are doing good thing, blaming victims instead. Just like Russian government and many people of that country do, my parents included. 

Norn and Jioral army massacred peaceful people of Branica, while claiming they are protecting people from demons and demons-controlled people. Russia shelled Ukrainian cities while claiming they were protecting citizens of Ukraine from Nazis. Creators were likely inspired by Putin's foreign policy. You can wish to see Jioral down, no matter what you think of Keyaruga personally. 

That said brutality level is high so you might want to skip parts that do not appeal to you. Unfortunately abuse against females is somewhat more toned down compared to abuse against males. Alas it is not a Bondage Game with a single male master and multiple female slave girls. I do not like to share my slave girls with anyone.

Plot turns are somewhat dubious at times, but overall, it makes sense.

Overall, it is somewhat flawed, but a decent show. It is surely unique in its kind.

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