Wednesday 8 February 2023

Overlord Review

Overall Rating: 7.5/10 - Very relatable wish fulfilling story for gamers.

I recommend watching for every gamer or those who want to understand gamers.

[Breaking]Author stole the idea of Nazarik from Naxx (Naxxramas from WoW), Ainz is Kel'Thuzad, Cocytus is Anub'Rekhan and so on[/Breaking]

However we are better off from it. This is actually one of the better isekai, made by actual gamer. It understands gamer's soul well and cares it gently. Unlike you, Konosuba and Re:Zero.

Sure you cannot play as raid's final boss and have other bosses of your instance as subordinates. However the whole idea of a raid instance of MMO is recreated here almost perfectly. What other anime could do that.

I has other small details that show that author actually plays MMOs.

However the most important part of this show it the core fantasy of being the big boss of something and have plenty of loyal followers. This anime caters for it perfectly.

That is why people play WoW and other MMO, to beat some big boss, such as Illidan and then name yourself new Lord of Outland, just like he (and you if you played it) did back in Warcraft III The Frozen Throne.

Aniz does behaves like an actual MMO player, particularly when he is acting as Mamon of Darkness.

This is why Overlord consistently getting more and more seasons and huge fan base.

Another important aspect of this show is maids. Ainz got a lot of them, some are battle maids and others just ordinary ones. Maids are awesome and any shows that feature them has higher chance of getting a better score from me. Here I particularly like Delta CZ, the best girl of the show and my waifu. Evil Eye is also not too bad.

Flaws of the show include pointless story, since Ainz is so OP he can just conquer everything in one episode and be done with it. However show drags its runtime with side character development and smaller stories around what not. While story is not perfect, it is hard for me to imagine what I could have done to make story more engaging. 

I also do not like the cross-dressing elves. Author could have created something more likable instead.

To sum it up, if you play video games, than watch it. It is the best isekai.

Seasons are rather different from one another based on content and side characters each season chooses to develop. However they all have consistent tone and feel to them. You do not feel like director, screenwriter or studio changed like with some other stuff (Jigoku Shoujou 3rd season).

Here I can recommend all seasons.

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