Wednesday, 22 February 2023

How Suzaku Became A Person Who Installed Lelouch as Emperor

First Suzaku betrays Charles for Schneizel. Then he heads to one of the Thoughts Elevators (Geass Ruins/Shrines like on Kamine Jima), to confront the emperor, kill him and make Schneizel new Emperor.

He is then transferred into C World together with CC.

There Suzaku, Lelouch and CC listen to Charles and Marianne about their plan. Lelouch rejects the plan decisively. CC also against and Suzaku too has his doubts.

Suzaku and Lelouch did not really knew any details of the Charles plan, so it would make sense for Suzaku to hesitate. It would also make sense for him to keep opposing Charles since he made his mind to make Schneizel next Emperor.

After Lelouch geassed collective unconscious and it erased Charles and Marianne. Suzaku got back to his senses and decided to take revenge against Lelouch for killing Euphy.

The show does not show what kind of arguments Lelouch used to convince Suzaku to not kill him then. However, Suzaku switched sides again and decided to make Lelouch an Emperor instead.

From context of these events, you can tell that they agreed on Zero Requiem plan beforehand. 

I think Zero Requiem was a sort of compromise between their visions, but we cannot know all details. Suzaku does not look too enthusiastic or found of Lelouch during final ark, so it is unlikely that he really forgiven Lelouch. However, he probably thought that this is better than what Schneizel wanted to do.

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