Monday 6 February 2023

Dolls Frontline Review

Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10 - Good

I recommend watching.

Some soldiers give their rifles female names. Here these rifles go alive as cute babes.

While this show has flawed plot and dubious battle system, I still willing to rate it high because rifle-waifus are cute waifu material.

Art is good and four main characters are rather likable. I particularly like M4A1. Other gun-girls are also mostly nice.

Antagonists are well designed and very creative. Sexy black outfits and so on.

Art is good, finally modern high-quality art is used on girls that are actually cute and not some feminist fodder, like Asuna from SAO.

It has similar over feel as Frame Arms Girl, but somewhat more cohesive and makes somewhat more sense.

Overall, I can recommend it mostly for the waifus. However, these are good waifus.

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