Friday 2 February 2024

.hack//Liminality Review

Overall Rating 7.0 out of 10 - It has some good ideas, but overall narrative is lacking.

I can recommend watching for those who are familiar with symbolism and literary fiction.

By episode 3 I figured out what Ryukishi07 was doing before Higurashi and Umineko. The style of narrative with its riddles is very similar to Umineko. That is episode 3 in particular and not the whole show, so credit goes to Hiroshi Morioka - Wikipedia

First couple of episodes were somewhat lacking. 3rd episode reminded me of Umineko with its riddles and investigations. Unlike the others it was more about expositions of ideas, by characters of the story. However, by itself it can only be taken as a prototype of what later came in Umineko.

Show overall gives a very mixed impression. I later found out that is because each episode had a different director. That does show. First episode nothing more than typical drama with cliche for the series story about someone falling into coma after playing The World. Second is some survivalist chaos, it's not really stupid, but leaves bad aftertaste. Third is the best one overall, sure characters are merely used to expose various philosophical ideas, but it works. It's like Planetes anime in that regard, but heavily condensed. However, style of presentation is much closer to Umineko than to Planetes. Final episodes somewhat connect all 3 characters together for their final mission of saving Sieg.

Overall show touches existentialist topics. Characters do admit that they do it because they find it fun. Seeking risky adventures are not my thing, but here characters talk about it in the words, I can understand.

Overall, a complex show, that is best watch if you have some experience and interest in literary fiction. Otherwise you will miss the point.

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