Thursday 22 February 2024

Moekan The Animation Review

Overall Rating 6.5 out of 10 - Flawed story and art, but it has maids.

I recommend watching because of maids.

Maids do make everything better and this show is not an exception. Without maids I would have given it 4 out of 10 maximum. However, it has maids in it, so the score is higher.

Maids are not only cute, but they also represent primary purpose of female existence. Women meant serve men as their servants, waiters, cleaners, cooks and so on. This show shows just that. That is why it's very important show in this feminism infested age. It's a simple but important idea all women should learn.

Art style somewhat resembles Unlimited Fafnir, but it is much less polished. Clearly idea of the show is much better than its execution.

Story is borderline implausible. Its hastily stitched together form rather disparate parts. First episode about Rinia, second about Kazusa and then third about Rinia again. At times they tried to build a proper tragedy but failed. Other times they went with comedy and that also did not work out.

However maids are nice, they clean, make green tea and protect their master.

Overall, I recommend it for the maids.

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