Monday 20 March 2023

Why Code Geass Will Remain Forever Popular

Code Geass and Lelouch are popular and will stay popular just like Che Guevara, US Founding Fathers and Napoleon. 

Simply because fight for social justice (not the 'woke' type) will always resonate with people.

People do not want to be 3rd class citizens and serve the lucky privileged. That simple fact caused American, French and Russian Revolutions. That simple fact Caused Occupy Protests and other such movements around the globe.

Code Geass simply reflect this simple obvious truth.

As much as privileged assholes wish people under them were like Tanjiro who content to serve forever, reality is that they are like Lelouch and the Black Knights. 

This simple fact will never push Code Geass from its pedestal. For it is an eternal tale of fight for freedom.

We shall never be slaves.

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