Saturday 25 March 2023

On Leila Malcal and Julius Kingsley

I do not particularly like her.

However, it is not so much Leila herself a bad person so much is how the show generally revolves around her. She is kind of a Mary Sue.

Incompetent commanding officer in the very beginning is used to justify her taking control of the Wyvern. So that is does not look like she craves to be in power or enjoys using it.

When Ioannes kind of bullies her at the party but Akito stops him. In episode 1 Ioannes is shown to just treat it as marriage of convenience but in episode 3 he instead shows some concern for her. Inconsistent writing here.

Akito protects her from Ioannes and from whatever else.

Overall, she basically has whatever she wants. Lives in nice large room like some princess and most of Wyvern personnel admires her.

Show is named after Akito but in reality, he is treated as a support cast to Leila. A deus ex machina to solve her problems and advance her aims.

Unlike Lil Mayer she does have a lot of redeeming qualities, she treats Japanese well and well as knows to behave like a subservient woman, so I do not hate her per se.

However, I am not like Akito or other male cast members of this spinoff show. Well other than Julius Kingsley, who is Lelouch from the Hangyaku no Lelouch actually. After the end of the first season of Hangyaku no Lelouch Charles used his geass on Lelouch to erase his memories and make him think he is Julian Kinglsley instead.

Shin Hyuga actually manages to make Lelouch original memories to resurface, and that caused that mental breakdown in ep 3.

Kingsley however is somewhat different from the Lelouch of Hangyaku no Lelouch, particularly when it comes to ideology he professes. He also somewhat more brash and less smart than the original. However other than that he is Lelouch.

That said I watched only first 3 episodes so far so I am not sure if something will change in the last two episodes. I plan to complete it eventually. 

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