Tuesday 7 March 2023

Arknights: Reimei Zensou Review

Overall Rating 7.0 out of 10 - Good show overall.

I recommend watching.

Half Life 2 with waifus.

There is nothing to hate about this show, which is good enough already by current standards.

Lots of waifu material girls. Amiya is cute and likable. Exusial is also not too bad. Others can swim someone else's boat more. But they all are chill. The only downside is that they are not as creatively dressed as Dolls Frontline waifus, but these bulky jackets make them practical enough. I cannot say I dislike their attires, I like them, but they could have been better.

As I mentioned before world in which it is set has Half Life 2 vibe to it. It is not the same world and plot is nothing alike, but it looks and feels much the same. Near empty ruined towns, peppered with futuristic installations and several high-tech groups fighting using ski-fi tech and flashy beam-like abilities called Arts.

Plot is not too engaging. It just goes somewhere, but never develops into anything of significance. One good trait here is that whatever fractions are doing makes logical sense and you would not feel wft most of the time. Reunion's cause makes most sense to me tbh.

Overall, I can recommend it to anyone. It is a good show overall. One regret is that it could have been better.

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