Wednesday 5 June 2024

Kay's Daily Doodles

Overall Rating 7.0 out of 10 - Simple but good show with likable characters.

I recommend watching.

This is a very simple show with simple plot and tiny 4 minutes long episodes. However, it has several things going for it.

First of all, it has nice likable characters. Kay (Ceobe) is very likable, kind and caring, so uwu. The way she cares for her friends and metal crabs is endearing to watch. She is waifu material. Popucar is also nice and so are metal crabs. 

Overall feel of the show is also cozy and warm. It's very relaxing and soothing. Good to watch after something less appealing.

Some episodes are better than others. My favorites were probably 7 and 9 if I remember correctly. Half of the episodes are just 4 minutes scenes, but 4 to 6 and 10 to 12 are 3-episode arks. 

Story is simple and nothing special. It's just about several friends hanging out in the cafe.

Overall, its simple but a good show. I recommend watching it.

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