Friday 21 June 2024

BanG Dream! Review

Overall Rating 4.5 out of 10 - Too many flaws and mistakes from a next K-On wannabe

I do not recommend watching.

I guess ever since K-On! got popular many others try to achieve the same level of popularity. I guess bands or idols seem like a simple way to profit so producers keep approving more and more K-On! clones. Unfortunately, none of them managed to have characters as compelling and likable or music as good. Couple of years ago I dropped Bocchi the Rock after one episode. This one lasted somewhat longer only because it's too slow to start.

It should be a commonsense idea that girls in a moe waifu show should all look and behave in a cute way. Unfortunately, creators of BanG Dream! thought that means making them dress in grandma style fashion. Their personalities are also not likable at all, they argue too much and overall give away terse feel. Kasumi is too pushy; blonde is too much of a tsundere. K-On! managed to make their characters silly but endearing, BanG Dream! did not.

Now to the music, here its nothing memorable or likable to listen to on your player. Chocolate Cornet song seem like a parody on K-On! Fuwa Fuwa Time with its silly lyrics. However, Fuwa Fuwa Time has nice warm and cozy feel to it, you can feel they sing it with love. In contrast BanG Dream is far too cold and technical, their songs just do not resonate with anything good. You can feel how staff does not love what they do or love anime in general. They think it's stupid, but that is not how you make a good show.

Add to those stern unlikable women, unsexy and un-cute fashion and unlikable characters with too much drama and you get BanG Dream! That is too much to make it worth watching even if there is nothing better.

Overall, I recommend watching or re-watching K-On instead of giving this one a try.

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