Thursday 6 June 2024

Do the Evolution

I wrote this little article below a while ago. It's partly related to this song by Pearl Jam.

The idea is that evolution and, not only human, but all animal nature itself, is that of conflict and killing. True's bad/dark opinion on human nature to the extend. The sad reality is that more evolved and advanced species simply kill off those who are weaker. Darwinism/Social Darwinism. At the base level all life is like that. It kills and breeds without any concern for anything else. That is the dark underlying reality that exists underneath of society.

Financial Crisis only further exposed this truth by destroying a lot of what was built over it to make world a better place.

Because of that it is stupid to rely on or hope for the good will of humanity. What you need is skills to survive and prosper at expense of others. You need power to stone and beat other to death and prevail. That will also allow you to not be beaten by them and survive. I personally wish I was better at this kind of thing. 

Unfortunately, my parents we too retarded to think of my success in life so I had to think of how to do it on my own.

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