Saturday, 22 June 2024

On Misa from Death Note

A response to this post.

Misa is very unlikable girl from Death Note, I do not think Lelouch would want anything to do with her. I do not remember her well, but what I remember of her is that she is dumb and useless. She fell for Light and did work for him for that reason. She traded half of her lifespan for eyes that can see real names to beat L's strategy of using fake names to prevent Kira from killing him, that was the only useful thing thing she did. Other than that, she is annoying as hell.

Most likely Lelouch would just order her to hand over Death Note, tell him how to use is and then (if he feels nice) just forget about him and move to a different country or (if she managed to piss him off) to kill herself somewhere quietly.

Generally, the preposition is incorrect. Someone like CC deserves to be treated nice because she is nice, kind, caring, smart and useful. Someone as spoiled and self-absorbed as Misa deserves much worse than Light. In general people should not be thinking that guys treat everyone nice or equally everyone not nice. Good treatment has to be earned. 

Friday, 21 June 2024

BanG Dream! Review

Overall Rating 4.5 out of 10 - Too many flaws and mistakes from a next K-On wannabe

I do not recommend watching.

I guess ever since K-On! got popular many others try to achieve the same level of popularity. I guess bands or idols seem like a simple way to profit so producers keep approving more and more K-On! clones. Unfortunately, none of them managed to have characters as compelling and likable or music as good. Couple of years ago I dropped Bocchi the Rock after one episode. This one lasted somewhat longer only because it's too slow to start.

It should be a commonsense idea that girls in a moe waifu show should all look and behave in a cute way. Unfortunately, creators of BanG Dream! thought that means making them dress in grandma style fashion. Their personalities are also not likable at all, they argue too much and overall give away terse feel. Kasumi is too pushy; blonde is too much of a tsundere. K-On! managed to make their characters silly but endearing, BanG Dream! did not.

Now to the music, here its nothing memorable or likable to listen to on your player. Chocolate Cornet song seem like a parody on K-On! Fuwa Fuwa Time with its silly lyrics. However, Fuwa Fuwa Time has nice warm and cozy feel to it, you can feel they sing it with love. In contrast BanG Dream is far too cold and technical, their songs just do not resonate with anything good. You can feel how staff does not love what they do or love anime in general. They think it's stupid, but that is not how you make a good show.

Add to those stern unlikable women, unsexy and un-cute fashion and unlikable characters with too much drama and you get BanG Dream! That is too much to make it worth watching even if there is nothing better.

Overall, I recommend watching or re-watching K-On instead of giving this one a try.

Sunday, 16 June 2024

One Room, Hi Atari Futsuu, Tenshi Tsuki Review

Overall Rating 7.2 out of 10 - MVP waifu show that is carried by Towa's waifuness

I recommend watching.

The best thing about this show is Towa herself. She is an angel in both literal and figurative sense. She is very likable and just the kind of girl you would want to date or marry, real waifu material. Her personality is 99% perfect, so uwu. She is gentle, polite, well mannered, she cooks and cleans and bows and generally behaves in a very attractive way. She is somewhat lacking in taste in clothes but the same can be said about the rest of the cast, it's the anime designers' problem.

The rest of the show is somewhat plain. They try to imitate popular tropes such as chunibyo but somewhat fail at that. Lilishka way too self-assured and able to take care of herself to pity her. Even shy bookwork Kappa-chan more of a trauma girl then vulnerable in a cute way. Somehow, they do not borrow from true and try designs of lingerie and other things that work. 

However, 4 other heroines are not as hate able like Mikako or Sohara from Sora no Otoshimono. They somewhat add to the story of otherwise idyllic but somewhat plain relationship between Shintaro and Towa without being too annoying themselves. That is a generous way to say that authors would have nothing to write about otherwise.

Shintaro is somewhat too shy and self-restrained. At least they do not make fun of him like they do with Sakurai.

Overall, however it's a nice show that is worth watching over Towa alone. It's an MVP waifu show with a girl that knows how to girl properly. I recommend watching it.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Overtake! Review

Overall Rating 6.3 out of 10 - Good for F1 fans despite various drawbacks and distractions.

I can recommend it for Formula Racing fans.

I watched it because I like Formula one. This is a very strange shows that does few certain things very well and many others very wrong. I think it's an attempt to sell wokism and virtue signaling with the help of racing and anime. On the other hand, it has enough racing to make it interesting enough.

I will begin with the good part: racing. F4 is a real sport that fits between carting and F3. Not the kind of go-karting where you pay some money to ride a cart 5 minutes but rather karting where you buy your own cart for around $3000, plus other parts but below $10 000 total and then enter amateur local competition with other enthusiasts just like yourself. Many actual F1 racers begun just like that and sometimes you can even see them going back to these roots. Learning how to tweak these carts to edge out some extra performance would later help one tweak more advanced cars, even F1. If you do well with carts you can be signed up to F4 next. This show is about this stage. 

Technical details of racing life for the most part is very well done. You can see creators really spend some time to understand how Formula racing operates. Practice, quali, tyre wear, spare parts, money all of that costs and sponsors. All of that replicated with great details, even better than some people who comment on F1 on youtube. There are but few things left unexplored. Its 95% correct and very pleasant to watch for a formula fan.

That was the good, now the bad. Alas its numerous. Part of the story is dedicated to a photographer who lost ability to take photos because he witnesses a hurricane, no srs. On top of that he is being "cancelled" because some claimed he needed to help a girl to escape hurricane instead of snapping photos of her. Typical woke idiotism. The photographer himself feels guilt instead of anger at woke idiots who cancelled him. This show dedicates several episodes for that sub plot. Also, a photographer has an unpleasant hard ass ex-wife who still hangs out with him due to cognitive dissonance or something.

Detours do not end here, one whole episode is dedicated to a running marathon, srs.

Back to racing protagonist, he is part of the very poor team that struggles to afford racing. However instead of underdog beating everyone type of story, like in Girls und Panzer, here they instead keep wallowing it that poverty, trying to find some purpose in it or something. Rich rival team Bersollizo offered the protagonist to switch to them, but he refused because of some emotional thing.

In general show is full of irrational actions based on emotions and so on. It's not that accurate at that either. Well perhaps some people are like that, but that just makes it a closed show for the in-group. Not just the photographer but pretty much every other character drowns in all sorts and forms of guilt. It's a guilt galore.

Aesthetics and ethics wise they are on some poverty and retro glorification. Protagonist team, Komaki Motors are notoriously poor, with ugly walls, rusty signs and so on. Unlike Oorai that is pristine and friendly and fun despite claims of financial shortages, here is doom and gloom throughout. Even well off Bersoliso does not give enjoyable vibe despite their money. Bersoliso leader seem to dislike nice things. Creators of this show as well, they wallow in misery far too much simply to make a statement or an exposition. They seem to enjoy privation. 

Feminism and SJW glorification spree here as well. Grid girls for some reason cannot be dressed in clothes that are actually sexy. Guys looking feminine and weak. Authoritarian hard ass women in coats too. Alas neither of these things appeal to viewers unless they are SJW. There are good reasons why guys like soft girls like Hyūga Hinata and Yin, creators of this show either fail to understand that or just try to force their views on viewers.

Overall, it's a mixed experience. It's actually possible to focus on racing and overlook other parts. If you do that you can somewhat enjoy this show.

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Jormungand Review

Overall Rating 6.0 out of 10 - Pale imitation of Black Lagoon, that is enjoyable at times.

I can recommend some episodes more than others.

Her name is Koko, she is loco and not in the good way.

Also, the best girl of the show, Chinatsu, is pictured above.

Unlike some other shows that try to match greatness of some one-of-a-kind masterpiece and fall flat, Jormungand does not fail completely. It gets the basics right, in this case that is action. When they shoot or fight, which does happen often enough, it's fun to watch. Plausibility of some sciences are stretched, but for the most part it's as good as a Hollywood action.

On the other hand, its shortcomings compare to Black Lagoon are many.

To begin with its premise. Koko and the crew live a contradiction of a life where they disagree with morality of selling weapons yet sell them anyway. The members of the crew occasionally wallow in guild due to nature of their business. In contrast Black Lagoon eschews ethics as hypocrisy and their characters only ever regret circumstances of their past that made their lives harder than those of others.

Then there is writing. Some say women in Black Lagoon are crazy, but that is inaccurate. In actuality it is some of the antagonists, whose irrational actions push the rest of the core cast to respond to these actions either in self-preservation or to seize lucrative financial opportunity. Their actions only seem strange to someone who leads a very different life and incapable of abstract thinking. In the context of the environment, they are in Lagoon Company acts very rational.

In contrast in Jormungand actually crazy decisions by Koko is basically the only driving force behind the whole plot, she just randomly decides to kill them all and shooting begins. That is lazy writing to say the least. That also does not make Koko or other characters in her crew any more endearing for the viewer. I guess here writers simply cater to leftist progressive idea of women. Some episodes do it more often than others.

When it comes to characters antagonists are often more likable than the main crew or their allies, girls that is, antagonist guys are made fun of in the clumsiest way possible which is regrettable. All the good girls are among the villains, Chinatsu, Karen even Schokolade and that little girl from last ark.

That said battles are nice, occasionally they even have nice tactical ideas to make firefights even more engaging. If there is a reason to watch it, it's because of battles.

Somewhat regrettable is lack of detail on the models of weapons they use or sell. In the first episode I did wonder if the gun Jonah was using is FN FiveSeven or Colt 1911. In contrast Berretta 92 Inox Prairachat Sword Cutlas Special is an actual gun, that is also used by Max Payne and the US Military as M9. Its custom modified of course to add longer barrel (from Beretta 93), chrome polish, inscription in Thai and skull with swords on handle, but it's a real gun.

Overall, I can somewhat recommend it. some episodes are better than others. Antagonists are often interesting even Koko is nice 10% of the time she is on screen.

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Do the Evolution

I wrote this little article below a while ago. It's partly related to this song by Pearl Jam.

The idea is that evolution and, not only human, but all animal nature itself, is that of conflict and killing. True's bad/dark opinion on human nature to the extend. The sad reality is that more evolved and advanced species simply kill off those who are weaker. Darwinism/Social Darwinism. At the base level all life is like that. It kills and breeds without any concern for anything else. That is the dark underlying reality that exists underneath of society.

Financial Crisis only further exposed this truth by destroying a lot of what was built over it to make world a better place.

Because of that it is stupid to rely on or hope for the good will of humanity. What you need is skills to survive and prosper at expense of others. You need power to stone and beat other to death and prevail. That will also allow you to not be beaten by them and survive. I personally wish I was better at this kind of thing. 

Unfortunately, my parents we too retarded to think of my success in life so I had to think of how to do it on my own.

Kage-Jitsu Review

Overall Rating 5.8 out of 10 - Not very interesting specials for Eminence in Shadow

Watch only if there is nothing better.

Just a day I reviewed much nicer Kay's Daily Doodles, I finally completed this one as well. Unlike the former or the original Eminence in Shadow, this one leave to be desired.

It has 17 2-minute-long episodes. Most of them has but one joke in them and most of these jokes are not really funny: around quarter of episodes are dedicated to faking breast size and another quarter is about gathering all shadows and discussing something. 

The least likable of 7 shadows, Alpha, is pretty much every episode and bosses others around. Lord Shadow is only referenced occasionally.

Animation is very simple. Sure, it's just mini-series, but Kay's Daily Doodles are also miniseries and animation there is much more sophisticated that here.

Overall, it is OK and watchable, but it does not have anything special going for it. Its a just a little show to watch between bigger shows.

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Kay's Daily Doodles

Overall Rating 7.0 out of 10 - Simple but good show with likable characters.

I recommend watching.

This is a very simple show with simple plot and tiny 4 minutes long episodes. However, it has several things going for it.

First of all, it has nice likable characters. Kay (Ceobe) is very likable, kind and caring, so uwu. The way she cares for her friends and metal crabs is endearing to watch. She is waifu material. Popucar is also nice and so are metal crabs. 

Overall feel of the show is also cozy and warm. It's very relaxing and soothing. Good to watch after something less appealing.

Some episodes are better than others. My favorites were probably 7 and 9 if I remember correctly. Half of the episodes are just 4 minutes scenes, but 4 to 6 and 10 to 12 are 3-episode arks. 

Story is simple and nothing special. It's just about several friends hanging out in the cafe.

Overall, its simple but a good show. I recommend watching it.