Saturday 18 May 2024

Shy Review

Overall Rating 1.2 out of 10 - Horrible. This show does everything wrong.

Do not watch no matter what. I dropped after episode 1.

I thought that with my experience in anime I will never again watch something as horrible as Guilty Crown. However, this show managed to catch me off guard because of its title: Shy. I like shy girls so I thought it would at least be decent, I was wrong.

To begin with creators cannot even draw their heroine properly. You cannot tell if she is boy or girl. On top of that, she looks unduly deformed compared to other characters. Seha Girls could manage to make their girls look cute despite low budget previous generation CGI. In Shy they fucked up on purpose to mess with viewers.

Other characters are mostly unlikable as well. Neither drunk hero, nor blond girl or her brother are appealing in any way.

Story is no better. Typical hippy peace and love, no war. Heroes here just saving children from things Fire Brigade could have done. Excel Saga does it ironically in a few episodes, but here they are dead serious about it.

To top it all off, they could not even make shyness cute, original Naturo had shy in a cute way Hinata, more than 20 years later they failed to replicate that.

Overall, I cannot find a single reason to watch this mess.

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