Friday 24 May 2024

Isekai Onsen Paradise Review

Overall rating 7.7 out of 10 - Simple, but very based show.

I recommend watching.

This is a simple show about a dude who sits in Onsen (Traditional Japanese Hot Springs Bath) and orders various women that encounter him to undress and join him in bath. Women eventually obey, undress, bath and eventually grow attached to him and started calling him Master. He eventually builds quite a harem. That is all what it is about. Simple by based, women should be obedient to men, this show shows it well.

Girls are mostly nice. They grow to respect and fawn over the male MC. They show plenty of tits and occasionally but, but block genitals. So, you could call it semi-porn. Art is somewhat simplistic. 

Story is very basic but has occasional twists. Its short 4 minutes per episode show, but it's not a special to any other show I know of.

I can recommend it simply because there is no some stupid feminist agenda or hateable characters those in power want you to like. Cute girls, onsen, relaxation. Pure enjoyment. Watch it.

It's a show made for male viewer, not for government, feminists, women, parents of what not. I wish more anime was like that. 

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