Friday, 18 October 2024

Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Review

Overall Rating 4.5 - Poorly written agenda show that feels like trolling.

I do not recommend watching.

How to Not Pick Anime to Watch III

The longest of my currently watching is finally over. I picked this anime over Weine. First half of it was not very inspiring, but at the same time very ambiguous as to what direction the show will ultimately take. Thus, I was postponing it for other shows, returning to it when I finish other shows. Finally, when I decided to clean up my backlog I started watching it more frequently. By the time I got completely disillusioned with it I was already three quarters finished so I decided to finish it to make a more informed review as there is a lot to cover.

This show puts everything that is bad with contemporary anime industry in one single show. I will list is here while at it.

It has many poorly drawn characters and unlikable characters. Not the characters the creators wished to make cute and likable but could not draw well, like in DearS. Instead, it has characters that are deliberately designed to be aesthetically unpleasant. Some designs are so hideous like that Freya's assistant, that it feels more like a prank show, that an honest attempt at making something good.

It has a lot of female characters with unlikable personalities too. Show has so many women, but none are really waifu material. Instead, they all remind you why you do not want to deal with women in the first place. Wiene is somewhat likable, but that is not enough to justify watching it.

The whole Xenos idea was so poorly implemented, it feels more like cheap propaganda of inclusivity. When a lizardman calls a literal unicorn or a mushroom man his kind, it's just silly. Line between monsters and people is blurry too, catgirls or elves are people, but bird girls or girls with scales are not. Go figure, why? 

There are better written shows that have inclusivity, for example Code Geass where Black Knights have their fair share of disagreement and mistrust over ethnicity but are intimately united by their common goal and faith in Zero. After all people do not unite just for the sake of diversity or inclusivity. People unite because they have common interests. Code Geass shows that just well.

In contrast here Bell and Xenos are willing to die for each other for no particular reason at all. it's just poor writing by a lazy scriptwriter.

Plot just throws random unpredictable curveballs to avoid being predictable. People just betray and switch sides with no real reasons or explanations. Just to make things less predictable. However, that fails as they make no sense either.

Occasionally show tries to be dramatic, like when Wiene would tear out here claws and wing when Ais accused her of using these to harm people. However, it does not work. Perhaps due to other faults of this show, you just cannot take it seriously. Perhaps something else.

Finally, the world is poor too. It has some families headed by gods, mostly from Greek but also other mythologies. There is Ganesha too, but <spoiler alert>, he just wears silly elephant mask and does not have proper elephant head. Who is in what familia is random and the whole organization system is not compelling. Why would you want to be a subordinate of some god or goddess? It calls for a Lermontov's quote about "blue suits" and their loyal people. Gods plot their own games with each other and so on.

One thing that shows occasionally is that this show could have been better. For example, architecture of non-essential buildings the city is very nice. Too bad good buildings are shown only briefly, and a lot of time characters spend in some plain dungeons or rooms. Ouranos lair, Bell's home and other named and important for the story locations are all very poorly designed.

Finally, Bell is an unlikable martyr hero.

This show feels like a deliberate attempt by creators to shoot themselves in a foot. It's not as bad as say Guilty Crown, but still a waste of time. Hopefully anime will get better. We need DearS and Hand Maid May remaster into full HD graphics. 

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