Friday 27 October 2023

What Made Puella Magi Madoka Magica Good in the first place

It was that reveal that Homura was trying to save Madoka and the world this whole time. Then Madoka sacrificed herself to actually make that happen. It turned out they all are good girls who would sacrifice themselves for you me.

Now that the whole plot twist is undone there is little left to do with it.
Rebellion movie clumsily recast Homura as villain instead, which ruined everything the original even stood for.

In general, it mixes cute and fluffy moments of kindness with gritty darkness in the right way. It is a cocktail that one can easily mess up if you do it wrong.

They are nice girls and care for each other. They will miss each other if someone dies or so they struggle so much.
Look how adorable they look. They understand both cruelty and kindness. There is nothing worse that people who only understand cruelty. Fortunately, they are not like that.

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