Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Redline Review

Overall rating 7.2 out of 10 - Good Overall

I can recommend watching.

This is actually an interesting title that more or less can manage to put stuff men and women like into a single show and make it somewhat work.

Here we have alpha male JP who is mogging supporting cast left and right, yet somehow manages to stay a completing enough protagonist in male eyes. May be because he does not do it too often and mogging is not all he does. Also he mostly mogs unlikable characters. 

JP's personality is more than just being an asshole. He has dreams and ambitions: his desire to win races and be a champion is relatable to male viewers or at least to me.

Sonoshee is likable enough in men's eyes to at least understand JP's infatuation with her. She has some of the moe-ness, cuteness and girliness to be likable, but she also has other traits.

And then there is racing with diverse cast of racers each with a unique car to highlight their character even further.

Racing itself is somewhat too over the top to take too seriously. They prioritize it looking cool over making sense. It is especially so in the second race on the Redline. Yellow line is somewhat more grounded in reality.

Plot too is rather crazy. It is little more than just an excuse to spice things up to the extreme. That said it is not completely pointless like in Guilty Crown and you can make at least some sense here.

However it is fun and enjoyable to watch. Nothing really grinds you in being pointless. It could have been better written, but it is written good enough.

That said it probably falls a lot further to the female tastes than to male ones. Sonoshee is not unlikeable but also not that great.

Overall, I can recommend it to everyone. It is a fun show to watch.

Extra: I also watched a 5-minute pilot episode for this show. It has some interesting scenes that were not used in the movie itself. Overall, an interesting experience I can also recommend. 

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