Tuesday 15 October 2024

NieR Automata Game

In my recent review of Nier Automata anime I mentioned that it was an ultimately flawed adaptation that could not replicate everything that made the game so deep and compelling. I decided to write an article on reasons for such conclusion.

Partly anime simply did not have enough time to cover it all. However, the main issue is that anime focused on main characters and overlooked the boarder world in which the game was set. The game, after the prologue section, deliberately has a slow start to give players better feel just what kind of world Nier Automata is set in. It is a very compelling world. To see it for yourself you have to watch the game walkthrough that is available on Youtube. I can link two different ones by different players. Unfortunately, each have different flaws in it, one skips dialogues and the other sometimes struggle to find his way in the world.

Now on what I picked from the game, that was missing in the anime. Androids may be fight machines for humanity, but each of them is societies in their own right. 

Androids are programmed to respect humans and see them as advanced and sophisticated civilization that is worth fighting for. Because of that they wander among the ruins of apartment blocks and shopping malls like we do around some ancient Egyptian or Greek ruins. Their assistant pods narrate in dictionary definitions what this or that is, for example: "these structures are called apartment blocks, these were used by humans as dwellings" This is typically followed by a remark from android on how interesting and mysterious humans were. It's both curious and insightful to see them wonder over things ubiquitous to us as pen or shopping mall. When 9S asked what pen is for, the only thing pod could find is that is figures in phrase, 'pen is mightier than a sword.' meaning unknown. Pod knows neither what pen is for, not what the phrase means, but he connected these two together like that, just like archeologists would connect pieces of ancient civilizations that they dig out from the ground. It makes you think that ancient ruins we currently preserve were also ubiquitous and ordinary to people who build them. 

Androids in many ways are more advance than humans are, yet they revere past just as we do. That makes you think this reverence of the past is misplaced.

Androids are electronic devices, essentially robots or even computers. Because of that they have certain advantages and disadvantages. For example, they can back up their consciousness and if they die, their memories from the moment of back up will remain. On the other hand, removing OS chip can cause them to die. There are also other chips, that either enhance performance or display certain elements of GUI, if you remove them, you will not be able to see certain data on your screen.

Androids look down on their enemies' machines, thinking that latter are primitive, imitate human speech without understanding it and otherwise horrible inhuman spawn. This is just like propaganda of our times that used to dehumanize enemies in wars.

While machines indeed look much less human compared to androids, machines actually adapted many of the human structures such as factories and use them for their own needs. Much like androids they also strive to imitate humans in their own way. In certain behaviors they even seem more human than androids. For example, machines have religions, form kingdoms, obsess over beauty or even ponder over philosophy. In contrast android society is more militarized and regulated.

Then there is also Emil (his clone to be precise) who mourns his friends from original Nier (Gestalt and Replicant) games. He helps you at first because you found a flower that reminded him of his past. However later he goes hostile and if you later fail to defeat him, he will blow the entire Earth, turning it into lifeless rock floating in the endless uncaring universe. 

Language and phrasing they use throughout the game is unmatched. That alone makes it a work above others. Language conveys thoughts and feelings of greater world indifference to you and your happiness.

There is more. Blowing up bunker and thinking how commanders stern face probably float somewhere in the space. Eating mackerel. Deserting from duty like A2. Marx that fails to boot. Satre who talks on whether essence preceds matter or the other way around and then leaves to find himself. Satre's female fans, who do not get him, but love him because he treats them cruel. Plato, who fails to meet standards and stuggles with his own mediocracy; and many more.

All in all game is simply bigger than an anime could be. Watch it and see for yourself.

Monday 14 October 2024

Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Review

Overall Rating 8.4 out of 10 - Rather unusual, but well written and very relatable love story

I recommend watching.

I tend to criticize various romance stories a lot. Most of them are unrelatable and unlikable. This however does not apply to this one. Saikano is good. For me its relatable on many levels. At times I even feel like it's written about me. 

Saikano is a good and well written romance. Some wild elements such as war in the background or the fact that she is a weapon might prevent you from taking romance seriously. However, romance is core of this show and its good. 

I gave Saikano slightly less than 5 cm per Second. However, 5 cm per Second is purely pleasant and sweet meanwhile Saikano is somewhat rough at edges and overall darker and sadder than former.

Shuji is one of few characters that do resemble me, especially in the early parts of the story. Just like me Shuji is aloof, cold and distant from people. In contrast to him however I do not blame myself for anything or help people much. 

In addition to Shuji, I find Tetsu to be relatable as well, I guess as I grew older became more like Tetsu. Chise and Tetsu's wife were involved with both of them.

Now the best part, Chise. She is very likable, just the kind of girl I like. She is cute timid and shy in a good way. She tends to blame herself for everything and tries to do everything on her own. She is adorably small, has very cute haircut and nice soft large soothing eyes. Also, she cries at many important moments, it's so cute and likable.

Chise's smile looks just like that of TrueHellDei. Several times in the series when the just show her lips feel like. Just like True, Chise is not stupid and knows various thing about the world and such. It's so interesting how she seamlessly switches between being an adorable girl and a killing machine.

Most importantly however is that Chise truly cares for Shuji. Everyone has their limitations, and she has more than others, but at least she is not indifferent to his happiness and wellbeing, like so many other girls IRL and even in anime are.

You might call Chise emotionally dependent, but that is not that much of a problem. Much worse are women who see you as source of money or a gofer for their whims. In contrast Chise does stuff for Shuji as much as she can and asks for nothing in return.

There are also other characters with their own emotional considerations. They are well written and interesting in their own way.

Overall, it's a good show and one of few proper romance shows. I recommend watching.

Monday 30 September 2024

Europa Universalis

I have been playing Europa Universalis IV for more than month now, but so far, I have not written anything about it. I wrote about my previous games a while ago; you can check it out here.

Here are screenshots and maps from two different playthrough. One is France and another is Ottomans in Caliphate into Devlet-i-Rum. 

I played France first, I got close to WC but had to finish off few straddlers after 1821 hit. As Otto to Devlet-i-Rum I did finish on time. In both cases I used a lot of subjects and vassal feeding tactics as I always do. 

With Otto I decided to play as long as it would take to integrate them all, which was almost more than 100 years past 1821 or around 170 years in total. Eyalet mechanic makes it somewhat convenient, I had so many of them at one point. 

With France I instead feed a few rather large subjects, I was over dip cap limit nearly always. Also, I had two strong allies, Spain and Commonwealth, HRE wars made me break with Commonwealth but Spain stick around to the end. Eventually I got to form PU when their monarch died with no heirs. It was the last country I got.

Saturday 28 September 2024

NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Review

Overall rating 6.7 out of 10 - A flawed adaptation of the original video game

I recommend watching a game walkthrough instead.

I often dislike various adaptations and alternative versions of various media. Typically, they end up dumbed down or adjusted for some agenda or moral mongering. Unfortunately, Nier Automata did suffer a similar fate. 

Compare to the original game this show adds certain new parts, removes certain others and overall overplays certain themes to the point of nausea. The game was tad more subtle and restrained. It maintained a sense of deep psychological and philosophical themes without overwhelming player or repeating itself. Perhaps a game environment allowed for a better paced and more spaced-out presentation of material. 

In contrast anime repeats certain key in director's opinion themes repeatedly. This does gets annoying every so often. Unlike the original the anime obnoxiously makes near everything about solitude, like it's a Naruto anime. 

No all is bad is this version however, every so often it manages to present certain material well. Overall and compare to other titles it's a somewhat flawed experience.

Material wise, anime adds the whole A2 backstory that was somewhat interesting to watch. 

On the other hand, it completely removes Emil, Satre, Plato, Marx, Engels the Machine Godzilla and many more secondary characters that filled the world and made it as detailed and complete as it was in the game. I do not remember if there was an Amusement park in anime or not. Sure to add it all we would have to have 3 or 4 seasons but things like that are essential for a show like that. It's the small characters that add to the whole story and make it whole.

Also, the renamed Anemone into Lily for some reason.

Overall if you do not want to watch game walkthrough for some reason you can watch this instead, it does manage to recapture some of the greatness of the original.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Jashin-chan Dropkick X

Overall Rating 5.0 out of 10 - Mixed Impression, some parts are good and others not so.

Somewhat OK for a filler show.

Another one of these mediocre shows that are not bad enough to just drop yet have too little going for them to watch them. Out of these Jashin-chan is better side. 

Like a typical comedy show its episodic and each episode contains a number of short sketches. Here some sketches are funny enough to make you want watch more, other make you want to drop the show instead. However, the show is diverse enough so you can keep watching in hope the next sketch will be good one.

In the middle of the show, they change the format to an ark where Jashin-chan travels Japan to escape loan sharks. This ark is best in the show overall. However, after several episodes it ends, and we are back to the old routine.

This show has a really large character cast. Most of them just fill the space, being nothing more than a simple stereotype or so. They have cameo like appearances every so often and that is all they do. For some reason Hatsune Miku also makes cameo appearances in every episode despite not even fitting the show theme.

Out of main characters Jashin-chan is likable enough and sympathetic at times. Yurine is mostly annoying, you can wish Jashin-can would kill her one day. Medusa is cutest of them all thought, almost waifu material.

Overall, it is ok if you have nothing else to watch, but there are better comedy shows out there.

Saturday 21 September 2024

Mushishi Review

Overall Rating 6.7 out of 10 - Nice and Relaxing show with few flaws.

I recommend watching.

People generally tend to rate Mushishi very highly. Many praise it like something deep, spiritual or insightful. That is of course exaggeration. This is a very simple but mostly pleasant and relaxing show with a somewhat original idea.

The show revolves around paranormal, but loosely based on actual unicellular organisms, beings called mushi. These mushi cause variety of things and our mushi expert protagonist fixes them.

The show is episodic so you can watch it sparingly at your own pace. I actually recommend that over binging it.

Colours are rather drab, but that is a deliberate stylistic choice to represent simplicity and rustiness of rural life. If you hate such things then best is to skip this show.

Overall, the show has a realistic Japanese vibe to it, which is its greatest strong point. If you like Japanese things, you should at least try it.

On more negative side there is occasional hippy overtones about it as well. Occasionally show tries to preach, which it not good. Reducing human activity, preserving nature and so on. Fortunately, only few episodes suffer from that.

After watching first 3 episodes a while back I gave it 6. Now, after completing the whole thing I can give it a little more 6.7. It is not groundbreaking, but it's mostly good and enjoyable. I can recommend watching.

Friday 20 September 2024

On Versions of Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion


I frequently complain that sequels often do not live to the level of the original and sometimes become a complete failure. Reasons for that could be change in creative team and many more.

However, there is one other malaise that affect some shows out there. Particularly my all-time favorite masterpiece Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion. The name of this malaise is different parallel versions that are sometimes even called the same way, but in actuality are rather different products with different content and substance.

Original Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion was a TV series. The series had two seasons, each 25 episodes long. Second season is called: Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2. Total that is more than 1000 minutes long of content. So far so good. This is the version I have watched and gave it 10 out of 10, the only show I rated that high out of more than 300 that I watched and 50 more that I dropped.

That however is not the only version of Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion out there. There are also three full length feature movies that ostensively retell the story in a different format. There are Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - KoudouCode Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou and Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou. Each are just 2 hours and 15 minutes long. Together that barely over 400 minutes long. The original content was somehow shrunk more than half. Despite that they apparently added some extra scenes here and there as I occasionally stumble upon Code Geass scenes that clearly could not be found in the original TV series.

There is a 1 hour video on YouTube that outlines all the differences between the original TV series and the trilogy movie only. He took one hour to outline it and still missed a lot of stuff that was removed. So watch the original TV series yourself.

However, the trilogy above is not the only truncated version out there. There is another even shorter version. Now just two feature movies instead of 3. One is Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Special Edition - Black Rebellion and another Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Special Edition - Zero Requiem 230 or so minutes of content.

All that is without mentioning 5 movies of Akito the Exiled, Re;surrection or Rose of Reflection and many other spinoffs of Code Geass franchise. If you search MAL, it will give you dozens of different individual shows. 

In a show so full of details where small details are important to understanding the whole that is just a wasted effort at best, a crime against the original at worse. The latter is a likely case as the short version is not just short, it adds ne scenes and retconned content in certain significant ways.

Needless to say, that this should not be considered an appropriate replacement to the original series. However, people actually tried to use content of this truncated trilogy to refute my claims that were based on the original TV series. I wonder how many have seen only the truncated version and have distorted view on the whole show, by now they could be majority.

I personally did not watch either of movie version, however I did watch and rewatched the original series many times. They are great and I can recommend it. However, make sure you watch the original version and not the truncated movie one.

Other shows that suffered similar fate were Puella Magi Madoka Magica. They also retold the original 12-episode series in two feature movies. I watched the series' first, so I did not watch first two movies, but I watched the third and final one and it was horrible mess that destroyed everything I so liked in the original.

There are probably many other shows that suffered similar fate. This is truly unfortunate. Because of that always make sure that you watch the right version of the show. Without it you have chance to stumble upon producer and agenda interest cut special editions that butcher the original in horrible ways.